General Discussion

General DiscussionTimbersaw questions

Timbersaw questions in General Discussion

    I have a few questions for timbersaw players

    1. Do you agree he is a good lastpick hero because he can completely fuck over some lineups?
    2. Should I avoid picking early because he is also susceptible to being fucked over?
    3. How to stay relevant after laning stage and in super late game?
    4. Dealing with counters, namely OD and other pure damage dealers? Just raw health?
    5. Talents

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      1. Ofc, that's pretty much the main reason why you wanna pick this hero

      2. You should avoid it because if the players on the enemy team have half of a functioning brain you're gonna get fucked in whatever lane you choose to go to

      3. That kinda depends on how your lane goes. If you dominate it then just sit behind their tower and tank the creepwave until their tower gets pushed. Watch the other lanes. If you see they're empty back off. Call your supports to ward around the lane you're pushing and stay behind you if you feel like you're ready to fight. If timbersaw has a good lane he's almost imposible to kill 10-15 minutes in especially if the enemy doesnt have the proper heroes to do it and even if they do they'd have to commit 3+ heroes. The rest of your team has to play around you at that point and secure that you can take some objectives.

      As for the super lategame the only good tip i can give you is that if you're starting to run low on bloodstone charges and you're 6 slotted you can get rid of the bloodstone if the rest of your items allow you to sustain your mana (you probably need a hex for that) and get another item instead such as dagon 5/aghs to increase your damage output

      4. As for the counters all you can do is itemize properly. Think about what a hero does that fucks you up and try to build around it. Halberd is obviously great vs OD and so are items like Blink/hex later on. If youre getting blown up instantly by something like invoker combo or techies mines the get aeon disk. Lotus/ euls for silences etc.

      5. I feel like all the talents are viable to an extent

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        I like getting dagon late game because u need more consistent burst


          1 & 2. He's a super weak laner at level one since he has 0 armor and is a slow melee hero. You can take your passive to reduce harass or your chain to survive a kill attempt, but you can't have both. You have to pick him into a lane that you know you'll be able to win.
          3. After laning phase you have a bloodstone, hood, and maybe a lotus and you just 5 man down a lane with your team. You should be too tanky to easily fight into when their carry doesn't have anything and you have 40 armor and regen. Late game you buy aghs octarine and get two 360 pure damage nukes on a 6s cooldown each. Most heroes will lose 1/4 to 1/2 of their health just from that. It can instantly clear a wave so it's pretty hard to push into. You can also buy hex for more lockdown if you need it.
          4. OD can be stopped with BKB. Shivas can also be nice since it slows him and gives you more int. Any silence or single target lockdown(ie. pudge/doom/beastmaster) can be dealt with by buying linkens or lotus. Lotus is preferable since it also gives armor. You should be buying a hood, if not a pipe, in probably 90% of timber games so magic damage usually isn't an issue, but you can buy bkb if they have more lockdown than a linkens or lotus can handle.
          5. Spell amp is usually better. Timber doesn't have any amazing talents you want to get quickly or issues getting levels. +5 reactive stacks isn't that great since you need to get hit 25 times for it to work, but 100+ damage is even worse. It might be worth getting if you have absolutely no one on your team that does physical damage. 10% cd reduction and +15 str are both pretty good. The health goes a long way on timber, who is already quite tanky, but the cd reduction is tempting as well. If you're worried about getting bursted from 100 to 0 without an opportunity to chain away, the strength is probably better. Both 25 talents are pretty bad. +1400 chain range seems good, but it takes so long for it to travel that it's useless during battle because you're going to get killed or interrupted during the time it takes to find a tree. There aren't many situations where there isn't a tree within 1400 range but there is one within 2800 range. That being said, +8% whirling death is garbage unless you're against at least 4 strength heroes, so the range is probably still better.


            Very senk you for replies mastahs


              I like getting Dagon late game because u get more consistent burst

              Suck my tiny curry dick

                Radiance is very good on timber

                Hide The Pain - Herald

                  i just hit 5k playing timbersaw exclusively - i know i know, i have mental issues...

                  1. Ideally you want to get him last or close to last. This is so that you can see their cores and whether you will be effective against them. At the same time considering their supports (which are usually picked early) and knowing your limitations in terms of laning phase.

                  2. Its basically the same as point 1. I break that rule though if no one is picking as a) i don't want to lose unnecessary gold and b) Did i mention i play timbersaw exclusively, also they may counter you but hopefully some of the other picks from your teammates down the line can counter their picks too.

                  3. Assuming you are not completely destroyed at the start of the game and you have about equal levels to the other cores. Most of the time you would look to get a hood and later a pipe depending on the opponents skill set and level of magic damage output. Physical dmg wise just toss your hair and shrug it off. Lotus is a good pick up for all the single target spells especially when you are looking to be extremely aggressive and popping in and out those team fights causing havoc. I usually go a fast travels as well if the game permits so i can be anywhere and everywhere, joining fast ganks and farming at a quick rate due to the easy wave clear.

                  For me i like to build items that are lacking for timbersaw as a hero. eg. Lockdown/other disables (euls, Atos and scythe, Nullifier and Etheral blade-situational) eg. additional damage which scales to late game (Scepter) eg. Magic resistance/ spell block/immunity ( pipe, glimmer-situational, bkb, lotus, linkens ) Extra survivability eg. (shivas, heart, octarine.) The beauty of timber is he can build almost anything excluding of course right click items. So you can tweak with your build as the game progresses.

                  4. Counters are always a thing, as mentioned you will have the means to itemize accordingly. magic resistance remains the priority for me as long as you don't get lockdown or bursted you should have no issue getting in and out of fights while surviving. A lot of timbersaw players don't really favor the bkb pick up but i lean towards that alot as a fresh bkb gives you 10 seconds of just going ham, shrugging off physical attacks and relying on your innate regeneration.

                  5. For talents, i usually go
                  a)Dmg amplification good in the short run, good in the long haul
                  b)i actually favor the +100dmg majority of my games. Once you get travels you are all over the place too pushing lanes. It means i can exert some level of tower pressure other than of course tanking a wave and letting my own creeps hit it.
                  c) +15 str for me ALL THE TIME. Idk i just like that additional boost to your stats/health
                  d) Situational. But rule of thumb for me as long as any of their cores is a str hero i will get the 8% whirling.

                  Hope you excuse my wall of text and good luck in your shrub-cutting adventures!

                  Schrödinger no Kaeru

                    What about Timbersaw right click build, and when to use them?

                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                      Is silver edge good on timber? It can be useful when you fight a bristleback.