General Discussion

General DiscussionNight Stalker Carry?

Night Stalker Carry? in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    After seen Miracle playing him core mid and some team like kinguin safelane I am wondering how viable and in which situation NS can be good as a carry?


      Play 4 play greedy. Build some damage and you can basically kill any support or squishy carry solo. You don’t need farm priority of a carry to have the impact of one. But yeah I’d say it’s pretty strong but not required

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      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        I wouldn't say focus in damage, focus on those utility items that bulks you up, they also have a nice amount of damage to them so it will be added throughout

        Items like oov, spirit vessel, solar crest, heaven helbard, nullifer. Basically items that add value to constantly ganking
        If you can get scepter, it's great, it wouldn't add bulk or damage, but it takes your ganking prowess to the next level and overall gives your team insane immediate map control

        But as pangolier said, you should be a support, while you do benefit from items they aren't as impactful on you, and there's nothing wrong with nightstalker with phase oov urn on 17 minutes if you make plays

        Be patient, make farm don't consume it, don't be afraid spending money on smoke, dust and sentries (and observers sometimes), and be constant nuisance

        Schrödinger no Kaeru

          Alright, I've seen that everytime miracle goes for balanaar mid, he plays with vessel.

          I think when I saw exotic deer or other pros playing him pos 1, he was 2 to farm priority, mid was 1 and they build stuff like bf, SnY etc.. what's your call on that guys?

          Thanks anyway for the comments !

          Is there any situation you would play him as a pos 1 carry?

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          Justin Weaver

            Build him like any right click carry, battlefury is for every hero this patch, so go for it and prioritize As items, used to go deso basher cuirass build once. I think abyssal blade, cuirass, mjolnir are all pretty good on him, providing AS and some tankyness

            Totentanz to The King: M ...


              After seen Miracle playing her core mid and some team like kinguin safelane I am wondering how viable and in which situation CM can be good as a carry?


                Most pros just do weird picks to have some fun. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. However, unless you're on the same skill level a Miracle, I'd recommend not trying to go NS pos 1. He doesn't need that level of farm, and there are far more effective heroes you could pick that offer a lot more in the carry role.

                Player 345996680

                  it is indeed possible to play him building semi-damage items (like armlet spirit vessel mkb abyssal and the like). the lvl 25 talent on attack speed is sick.

                  Schrödinger no Kaeru

                    Alright I guess your arguments are sufficient for disuading me to play him pos 1 as I don't have the proper understanding yet.

                    I asked that question cause I am mostly a offlane/roamer and sometimes I want to be able to carry, still I don't like the hard carry farming game, prefer other kinds of carry.

                    Which heroes do you consider then?
                    And is there any carry that can also be played in offlane or roam to broaden my heroes pool?

                    Thanks guys


                      I’m a believer of Mid NS actually and there is a rationale for it.
                      NS is strongest early game and provided it’s not a 2v2 at mid you can get to a superior level to be able to go ganking hard at minute 4.
                      Limitation to this strategy is that you need buy in from your team mates who know what the objectives are to draft properly and for the NS player to know what you want to achieve between minute 4 and 8.
                      Because if you don’t achieve your objectives by then NS carry potential starts falling off.


                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Yes ofc it can. In dota 1 it was always mid core role.

                        Schrödinger no Kaeru

                          I was talking about safelane core, I am not a fan of mid position.

                          Thanks Gecko for the insight


                            while it isn't impossible i'd rather have a carry in the safelane that can farm in case he fails to snowball


                              I believe razor, juggernaut and chaos knight would fit your playstile well.


                                While a good safelane carry is largely situational based on the draft, I tend to look for heroes that are able to push buildings safely and quickly. The game is called defense of the ancients, after all, and having a core who can hit buildings is critical to capitalizing off of won fights. Some reliable heroes that fill this role are Luna, Terrorblade, and Juggernaut. Juggernaut is good if the enemy team lacks ranged heroes who can easily pick off your ward while sieging, Terrorblade is good if you just want a shitton of right click damage, and Luna is good if you want some magic damage mixed with fast farming and the ability to decimate an enemy base if they make a mistake in the lategame. I hope this helps!