General Discussion

General DiscussionRANK MATCH ID : 3747194586

RANK MATCH ID : 3747194586 in General Discussion
Edshot machine(show me da...

    VALVE PLS BAN players like od at min 1 this od rages because i bought quel( I was pudge for dewarding)and took literally 3 cs then he goes jungle and don't come out after 20 min

    He finally decides to leave jungle only to feed

    Then there was a bloodseeker who constantly fed the sven then went afk and do some random shit

    Pl and I were holding the game but he gave up at last VALVE BAN THEM PLS


      Yews plsss ben them velvE


        please ban tribo thank you


          haha you are trolling right? because any sane person would do what OD did if their pudge bought a qb and took last hits. lul


            lmao, valve actually wants everyone to deal with cancer(this is part of improving) the more cancers you meet, the stronger you become


              tangos can deward just fine and will not make it easier to take your mids cs

              Mlada i Luda

                hahhahahahahhahahhaha... i laughed so hard that i started crying than lul.

                pudge with a qb taking cs mid . nothing wrong here lul.


                  Try to do that more often

                  Udder Certainty

                    You went over the line there.... should have only took 2 cs



                      Yea think everyone agrees OP is a retard


                        Hope you get the 6 month ban you deserve


                          Qb on pudge is a dangerous lethal weapon .


                            i hope valve bans u op