General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to quit dota forever

How to quit dota forever in General Discussion

    You'll simply have to realize that outside your circle of close dota neckbeard buddies who barely give two fucks about your mmr despite the painstakingly long hours you've invested into it, no one cares. Nobody.

    When you win and raise your hands up and scream after making the biggest play of your irrelevant dota 'career', no one will join you in your triumph. When you lose and scream in frustration, your neckbeard buddies will laugh. That's about it. That's Dota, it leads to nothing. It will give you nothing. You'll lose the last few friends you have anymore. Some who won't be able to relate to, and a handful who you'll lose to the game itself.

    In the end, you will try to convince yourself that the 9k hours staring at you through Steam meant something. But friend, they don't. You have poured your heart, blood, sweat and tears into something that will never love you back. And you will swiftly realize that you have degraded into that eerie bald man with the slowly rotating valve installed to the back of his head hesitantly turning to you.

    You were the bald man the entire time, too afraid to look at you destroying yourself over a meaningless video game.

    Potato Marshal

      Even if I hadn't seen your name, I would've still known you were in low priority.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Right click-> uninstall right now.


          @Potato Marshal did i hit something? Lol.

          Justin Weaver

            So we are all turning into bulldog? Feelsbadman

            Pump Cultist

              Something doesn't have to achieve anything noteworthy for it to be worthwhile, most of the people who don't play dota competitively or with some sort of aspiration to achieve greatness in this game just play it for fun, a pastime, something we enjoy. While 9k hours is a long time spent on something that like you said will not actually lead to anything or further you in any way shape or form (save professionally), that doesn't necessarily mean it is nothing but a waste of time. Honestly I don't see a problem with it unless it takes over your life and prevents you from feeling joy or happiness in other aspects of your life. I think it is an unfair observation to say that you will lose your friends over the game, just playing it doesn't lead to that, it requires an addiction to seriously damage your social life to that degree, and that is probably a negative reflection on your own self control and character that you allowed it to develop into an addiction that achieves that.

              Machado98 #xatubaking

                You can write about absolutely anything in life the same way you just did and make it sound meaningless lol

                Pale Mannie

                  today is a good day to be Nietzsche isn't it


                    I mean most of my school buddies from like a decade ago have been playing dota with me all this time, dont have to project your neckbeardness on everybody

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      @Zenoth Wow a top ranker huh! How is your life now? What will you do after dota dies? (It actually dead). Do you know if i have lot of money i can have account like yours?(or Even higher)


                        @Lolórde da badaga some of that word are true and the truth hurt! Sorry if i hit something.


                          Rofl it's just a game buddy. Who cares


                            Play other games with my friends, like i already do sometimes? Half of dota is for the sake of hanging out with my buddies.

                            I dont really care if you want to buy an account thats none of my business

                            Sure... dota is dead lmao

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              @Zenoth I think the message is to do something better than gaming or some shit. Like having a work,a family times, colleges,etc.

                              @All Btw i am not debating or fighting with you guys. So chill! Peace.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Wow, people are actually enjoying Dota? I must act like the sad little bitch I am and make them think they are wasting time doing what they enjoy.
                                You do most things in life because you enjoy it. Playing Dota is not much different than watching a movie or reading a book.


                                  Maybe the message here too is to not quit the game. Stop thinking about mmrs, Dont stress yourself, Improves at the game and most of important is to enjoy. Just play it for fun because its just a game.


                                    Maybe the message here too is to not quit the game. Stop thinking about mmrs, Dont stress yourself, Improves at the game and most of important is to enjoy. Just play it for fun because its just a game.


                                      lmao what makes you think you can't have all of that and game at the same time

                                      i've spent 20k hours on video games collectively and still had plenty of time to do other things like travel overseas to play sports competitively, serve in the army, graduate from university and maintain an eight-year relationship

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        you hit many of me with your words
                                        me ded now
                                        is doto ded too

                                        edit:taking it seriously,like wat you said it's a game to play for fun. i think most people know that,if it's making bad stuffs on your life better to quit indeed

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          @Zenoth Oooh! Alright thats good man. We're good.


                                            @Feachairu 10/10 Lets throw some games. Lol


                                              lol,okay lets do that later in the future
                                              me probably can't do it today,will not throw on pt ranked tho since me+my friends promised to aim for high party rank now
                                              well..i can always use another id anyway

                                              Putsy McCoy

                                                Still more affordable than golf.

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  why do people achieve something when they're going to die anyway :laugh: all is meaningless and we should do nothing for us at all while death comes closer everyday :laugh:


                                                    if youre similar to me - find sth else to do. i play dota because it give me a goal to work for when i dont have a clear goal outside of it.

                                                    to me it feels hard to not play dota when i feel stuck or when i dont have anything to do irl, mostly by the nature of my job:
                                                    boring project - i play 5 games a day and grind mmr as much as i can. a day being a good one or not is decided by gaining/loosing mmr.
                                                    right now my job is interesting - i barely play any dota. when i got time to play i sit in front of my pc and realize that i actually dont want to play.


                                                      You realise not just dota, but everything else in life is meaningless. One day you'll die and there will be nothing left of you in this world and everything you have done in life will become meaningless at some point. That doesnt mean you shouldnt do what you want to do in life and enjoy it. It means you should kys rite now lol


                                                        Dota gives a lot of FUN and excitment for me

                                                        How to quit ??

                                                        When u start to work or go to college where u hVe to study hard u will have no energy to play dota except maybe weekends


                                                          I will quit dota once i have 6-month-ban. I always have like 6 - 11 reports, so the day will come


                                                            @Umbranox If youre seriously thinking like that? You need help man. Get out of your comfort zone and face the reality like real man.


                                                              Like a real man? You mean like you? Thats some big words coming from of a kid who came to make a forum post after losing a few games and now he's salty and quitting dota forever. Boo fucking hoo you guys are enjoying this game and im not, so im gonna make a post on a forum dedicated to discussing that game about how the game is pointless and you should quit it and im hoping that you're gonna be truly enlightened by my words cause im a really smart and edgy guy


                                                                reality is not static dude... and also meaning is what you believe it is. some deep shit right here :-D
                                                                guys maybe just change your point of view? dota helped me to reflect myself (my behaviour, if i am focused or not, even my reactiontiming and how fast i can put my thoughts into action), dota helped me find good friends where i live (we dont only play dota together, but it was the first connection point) and somehow dota is the thing that kept my passion alive and made it grow. i can transfer this passion on anything i really like.

                                                                as i said, maybe change your point of view and only look at the positivity it has to offer. like everything in life there is good inside all bad and bad inside all good. its your choice how you look at it


                                                                  do it like me, abandon 4 games in a row. you will never play again

                                                                  i also deinstalled the game once, after a week or so i reinstalled and played again.

                                                                  now if i reinstall i will be in D behaviour score with low prio...chances of ever feeling like playing again are 0

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    shut the fuck up you deluded autistic dog. Life is meaningless, there is no meaning, the only person who can give meaning to it is you. Many people here play dota for fun and still have work you imbecile.

                                                                    Just because you live in a fucked up country where apparently playing games is your fucking job doesn't mean you can think that it works like that everywhere, you donkey.

                                                                    Also who gives a fuck if you win or lose, You attentionseeking dipsht are only salty because nobody gives a fuck about you and your shitty games and rank. Grow up you fucking animaldog. Take a dump in your garden and live like the dog you are.


                                                                      I dont give a shit about losing at this account actually its my 2nd account. Your response is soooooo out of topic. We are talking about much better things than playing a dead game dota 2. Maybe i hit some nerve on you that make berserk like that. Sorry! Enjoy your game. Hope SOMEONE REALLY APPRECIATE what your doin. No hate just love.


                                                                        @Umbranox I dont give a shit about losing at this account actually its my 2nd account. Your response is soooooo out of topic. We are talking about much better things than playing a dead game dota 2. Maybe i hit some nerve on you that make berserk like that. Sorry! Enjoy your game. Hope SOMEONE REALLY APPRECIATE what your doin. No hate just love.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                          Chillax dawg, no need to go all existential just because you got sent into low priority. Shit only takes a day or two to get out of.


                                                                            Yoy yo guys. We have our own opinion and views in life. I am not here to fight with you guys. So peace! and actually i am not quitting the game. I try this word on you and see what happens. It hit some of you because most of that is true.


                                                                              Yoy yo guys. We have our own opinion and views in life. I am not here to fight with you guys. So peace! and actually i am not quitting the game. I try this word on you and see what happens. It hit some of you because most of that is true.


                                                                                @Potato Marshal i am not really quiting the game. I just post this words and see whats your reactions. And i am playing some games too. Like csgo,nba2k,wwe2k,pubg something like that. So dota 2 is not my thing. As you can see i am not very good on it. I am just legend 0.

                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  You can suck my dick little shitead. How dare you make a useless garbage thread on this forum you fucking dog. get the hell out of here before I send you to china fucking dog.


                                                                                    thanks for this bro. now ill focus all my attention to my studies. Krappa


                                                                                      your response is pretty fighting though(hitting a nerve,telling someone they need to face reality,etc etc),if you want to talk about better games rather than doto,you should just made a thread about that,not this lol


                                                                                        So, I'm just going to come out and say it, you may have what is called an "Addictive Personality Type" bro. You allowed a game to make you go bald and "destroy your life". Seek help? Maybe just go to same AA meetings and learn the 'Serenity Prayer' or some shit.

                                                                                        Beyond that - I second everything that Positive Mental Attitude has said. Except, once again, I think I need to point out I doubt gaming is his job. He's like a herione addict who just lays about all day waiting for his next fix.

                                                                                        fanfan fan

                                                                                          Isn't this just some guy trying to justify that Dota means nothing just because he's in lp and mad at the people who reported him. Anyone who doesn't conform to his narrow minded way of thinking is in some way sad or deluded apparently. Leave this guy whos spending his time in a "dead game's" forum whining about how other people are spending their time to wallow in his misery already lmao.


                                                                                            OR, Avocado, OR - we could point and laugh at him like the kid who wet himself on the playground back in elementary. I prefer that.


                                                                                              How to trigger dota players 101

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                blunt trying to stop low quality threads lul


                                                                                                  You'll simply have to realize that outside your circle of close dota neckbeard buddies who barely give two fucks about your mmr despite the painstakingly long hours you've invested into it, no one cares. Nobody.

                                                                                                  as if anyone cared even if we didn't play dota

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    did that moron actually summon blunt

                                                                                                    good fucking lord


                                                                                                      Exactly kid. Dota gives you nothing, only frustration and angry. Theres no real achievement on dedicate yourself to a game. Thats the red pill.

                                                                                                      I have played this game for more than 10 years since Dota 1, and guess what? Who fucking cares about how good i was when i have time to play the game? Nobody, not even me.

                                                                                                      So buddy, listen to me. Quit Dota 2 and try to play games that you actually have FUN playing it. Do you still know the meaning of 'fun"?

                                                                                                      Dota is good only to watch, period.

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                        Who fucking cares about how good i was when i have time to play the game?

                                                                                                        the thing is you weren't ever good at first place