General Discussion

General DiscussionOmniknight

Omniknight in General Discussion

    -They need to rework his talents. This hero is ridiculously strong without them too!
    He gets an extra 90 GPM at lvl 10.
    •If you get hand of midas, you can easily hit the 600+ GPM mark at the end of the game
    At level 15, he can gain an extra 90 DMG from his talent. If we combine the talent's dmg + radiance's dmg + strength's base dmg, Omni can deal over 200 dmg per hit.
    His level 20's talent is the most ridiculous one. The -12% degen aura is so effective versus melee heroes.

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    Story Time

      but lets face it, he is boring


        ^Underlord is boring too but I love to shit on the enemy LUL


          just learn to play against him bro lol if you're losing to an Omni with gpm talent AND midas you're doing something really, really, really wrong. 1 Orchid/silence or 1 Null or a nice selection of heroes like brew (who will probably make anyone under D4 want to kill themselves), Razor, Rubick, Enchantress, etc = 1 prayer
          theres very little reason right now Omni should be convincingly winning offlane to the point he can afford a midas and that goes triply so for a support omni
          without GPM talent i don't think omni support is viable in 5k+ its already very hard and it would very likely threaten omni offlane too much as well
          some heroes don't really need the talents, omni REALLY needs his

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            Meanwhile Abaddon doesn't get +90 dmg until lvl 20, and his lvl 15 talent is +6 armor OOooOOoO scary

            at lvl 15 Omni can have the equivalent of 1.5 Sacred Relics, while Abba gets about half of a platemail

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              even actual literal subnormals need a way to climb mmr


                Why wud u take extra degen over Mana Regen on this hero

                Suck my tiny curry dick

                  Why wud u take Mana Regen over extra degen on this hero


                    The point of this thread is to point out his broken talents. Not to be rude but I didn't ask for tips on how to play versus him.

                    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                      fuck this meta


                        Any pure dmg dealer, even od. Doom also nice to shut him down every fight.

                        Cancer Malaria

                          nope omni feel weaker. bruh he's been nerf 2-3 times now. please staph my fav hero this patch is dying from icefrog nerf. The guys feels weaker now to play


                            Icefrog making him more core hero lately,cast range on q is ridiculous right now