General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this normal human behaviour?

Is this normal human behaviour? in General Discussion
ILC - Lethal Ninja

    Im playing riki only. So you think im not normal? Its not normal to you because you are the one abnormal, treating this game too seriously. Many of us just need some form of entertainment after work and we play hero we like to play. \\

    ILC - Lethal Ninja

      And my stat here only capture less than 50% of the games played. i played over 4000 games as riki since uni day, since the day riki had
      death ward.


        This dude has 11k slark games beat that


          Hehe, this is great.

          Potato Marshall - Oh. Those. I understand now. Yeah I never do upgrade the wards cause a longer shackle and a ether shock like a Dagon are much more affective in my eyes. Allthough I havent even tried to upgrade the wards and I should.

          Thanks Dawn.

          Astral - I was stoked when Kaya came out. It amps my damage on all of my spells, decreases the mana cost and gives me more mana and regen. Its a Fantastic Item and I was super happy when it came out. It compliments my gameplay perfectly.

          I dont "Rush" Items. I dont "Rush" anything in this game. Its just a game for me and a Hobby I enjoy.
          I dont put any amount of pressure or seriousness in my playtime and simply try to have fun.

          Thanks Cratyz for Noticing and Remembering. Now that you added me I hope I can be your support for a match or 2.

          This is pretty cool guys, and sort of a dream come true.
          After a few years of diligently supporting, without a shred of ego or selfishness...somebody eventually paid attention and I got my few moments in the spotlight.

          Hehe, I know that sounds sad because this forum thread is far from being popular...but for me its good enough.

          Thanks Again.

          Peace and Love in the World.


            Holy $hit!! 11 Thousand Games as Slark.
            I will never feel strange again!



              Ur welcome. And btw fellow shaman lover here, cool guy, personally I go manaboots drums:) but thats cause of my love for bracers. It just makes so much sense on shaman, i feel if I keep playing shaman I will gain mmr. Winning just feels so natural to the guy

              Story Time

                I wonder how many people added this shaman to their friends (i added him on my smurf) :D Dotabuff being nice for once, how is that possible??

                Bu yorum düzenlendi



                    Only 1 so far.

                    Antagonism is a defense mechanism of insecure and hurt individuals.
                    Sadly, that is the face of our generation.

                    I love Bracers too and love having them on me.
                    There are several items I used to get on the usual, but players would come down hard on me and tell me what to buy.
                    Just cause I didnt want to be bullied, I listened to them.

                    IMHO, Shadow Blade, Blade Mail and Maelstrom are great Items that can really compliment my play...but everytime I get them people start trash talking me and giving me a hard time.

                    Thats why im loving the new Turbo mode. It gives me the chance to make so much gold (that I never make) and buy items I have never tried before. Just yesterday I think I bought Shiva's Guard for the first time...allthough It was late game and didnt get to try it out.

                    I think that the Dota Universe is very frigid and assimilated. Most players just copy what they see from others and feel like they are in some kind of sick competition under peer pressure.

                    Its a shame really.
                    I think any hero can buy any item and be effective with it.

                    Hell, this made me feel like going back to buying blade mail and Maelstrom.

                    Im gonna do it and the hell with the Haters.

                    Haters gonna Hate. Irregardless.


                      Add me dude we can catch some party ranked together


                        Yeah, how do I do that through Dota Buff?

                        How can I find your Steam Profile through Dota Buff?

                        Sorry. Havent gotten familiar with things here. Didnt even know there was a message board. :D

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          the number at your dotabuff profile link is your friend id

                          par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                            @Road to Herald


                              The slark spammer said on Reddit that he only plays slark and his GF only plays Mirana and they even roleplay as their heroes during sex. That...veers on abnormal to me, but whatever makes them happy, I guess.


                                This dude has 11k slark games beat that

                                ancient 4



                                  I just broke out in laughter when I read the "I invented Medallion of Courage on Roshan." That's pretty much the whole point of the item and most of the time the main reason why people buy it.

                                  But I have to say that I love your attitude :)

                                  Just two things that might improve your games:
                                  - Go for Arcane Boots instead of Tranquils. Every team needs at least one hero to go for Arcanes and most of the time it's your job as a support (unless there is a Tidehunter or Nyx in your team).
                                  - Don't buy Kaya. That item is useless on Shaman. If you want to have a mid-tier item before Aghs, build Aether Lens or Force Staff.

                                  Justin Weaver

                                    Dude dogtor, I don't know why, but your comments really makes me happy and positive, if there are more people like you in the game, the amount of toxicity will be really really less, kudos to you <3

                                    are you lost babygirl

                                      Dude, I spammed Crystal Maiden cause I was scared my team would flame me if I sucked as some other hero, perfectly normal hahahah


                                        hey if he doesn't wanna improve then stop dictating how he should play. he knows very well how shaman is played and what items are best for him, if he choose to.
                                        even i play shaman as core mid when my team is greedy with a jungler pick, especially when my opponent is melee so the matchup is super easy for me.


                                          Oh god , i must have learn from that shaman player and slark player XD I wanna spamming 2 hero , Earthshaker and Pudge XD

                                          Noisy Miner

                                            You Sir, you're a legend!
                                            Hats off Dogtor


                                              Interesting thread

                                              A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                ^_^ still better then divine 5 games where people just feed themselves purposely by walking straight mid (im divine 5 rank 263)