General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier and Dark Willow

Pangolier and Dark Willow in General Discussion

    Anyone else waiting for the day Valve releases these shits in captains mode so they can finally get nerfed to the ground?

    Cobrex :c

      dark willow needs to get nerfed, but as a pango player myself, i dont find anything about him too op. he gets countered by few spells anyway and he isnt great lategame at all. i have games when hes op bcuz its easy to run him against most lineups, but hes still shit if u dont fight in certain spots around the map. what i only consider maybe too op is his Q esp if hes farmed 15 mins in. dark willow just presses Bedlam and maybe a hex ... gg


        yeah pangolier need to be nerfed, he is too OP.
        he is probably gonna be the same as earth spirit when they first release it in captain mode

        Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

          Where Techies? u_u

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            Pangolier is actually insane, people need to stop trying to right click with him


              Willow is more insane, I'm sure.
              40 `Alu
              The dark willow spammer. He changed to dw coz it wins him more mmr lol
              He was previously 6k something

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Inx tinker is more insane


                  Coz my tinker works wonders against <6.2ks. Up from there my manly tinker play style would finally get punished.


                    Oh yes!


                      Don’t faking touch Pangolier


                        Pago really needs to be needed cuz he is a pain in the ass and too much op and I can't play that shit hero


                          Pangolier is crap. But Dark Willow is really good. I like her as lane support and Rainer.


                            ^Pangolier crap srsly? The guy is bascially a perfect offlaner. You can just pull the creeps at level one with almost no risk of getting caught cause you have swashbuckle. His strength gain is insanely good for an agility hero (2.5). His starting armor is also pretty good (4). Once he gets a blink and lvl 15 talent you basically cant fight his team during his ult. His damage is insane even with just a few javelins/ diffusal blade. He can clear waves instantly with swashbuckle + shield crash which makes him a better farmer than pretty much any offlaner in the game.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              imo dark willow is shit. people are extremely overrating her CC ability, which is good but super unreliable. there is no reason to pick dark willow support when you can pick shadow shaman. she can be a really good mid if you play well, but she has no way of farming (besides bedlam which is still bad) so you need to play like a skywrath mage mid which is not very easy.

                              pangolier on the other hand is super good imo. his ulti is super good every stage of the game and has a really low cooldown. he is really mobile, has decent damage even without much farm and is really good at teamfights.


                                both heroes are really good but I don't think their true usability will be seen until they get into cm

                                from what I have seen so far panglo seems a bit better due to his ulty tf potentials
                                dw seem more like single pickoff strat

                                might be my personal bias since I like tf heroes more


                                  They're both insanely good. In Pango, you have an offlaner, who can be curveballed and played safelane carry. In DW, you have almost every position in the game. The fastest BAT in the game, without taking into account Alch in ult. Btw I believe they saw some play during the Captain's Draft minor? They certainly showed their potential there.


                                    thing with dark willow as a support is that she can solo kill a fucking pos 1 as a pos 4
                                    i agree with the comparison to a skywrath
                                    she is basically really good at zoning, tho not as good at sky, but she also has more reliable solo kill and burst potential
                                    its her biggest asset, being able to just completely murder someone