General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to spam Clinkz

I want to spam Clinkz in General Discussion
norm the cooker

    I want to spam Clinkz
    is it wise to go full damage item on clinkz?
    and not buying any survivability item like BKB, linken, etc
    in hope that clinkz can ambush an enemy and kill him so fast that the enemy didnt even notice

    btw my last match i play Clinkz and i lose
    enemy got Pudge, Lion, PL, PA and Magnus
    i think there is something wrong with my item choices
    i hope anyone can give out some advice what item is wise to buy for clinkz


      thats why you buy bkb.
      bkb isnt a "survivability" item.

      you use bkb so tatt you can right click enemies and do damage

      if youre stunned you cant hit enemies. if you cant hit enemies the game will be like your last, where a spirit breaker has more damage than a clinkz.

      norm the cooker

        always buy bkb

        casual gamer

          u can get away with just pike a lot of the time. if ur smart about orchid usage that helps

          norm the cooker

            i go pike at my last match and i lose :(


              Nop No pike.. Go Treads, Solar Crest, Deso, Bkb and then proceed to build a sheep stick or orchid into bloodthorn


                yeah you cant "ambush" a lion from invis if he just hexes you and runs away.

                only works if he is silenced thats why orchid.

                in dota ist never "always"

                if you're playing against a 5 stack of cores without stuns and silences you dont need a bkb.
                in a game with 4 stuns on the enemy team you probably want to have one as clinkz

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                casual gamer

                  just because u lose with an item doesnt mean its bad xd


                    Who says you need to join fight if you cant win it just go rat you baboon


                      ^ yep Plus Clinkz is all about positioning and using the element of surprise. You should try and improve that more.
                      make space for ur team

                      Palmen aus Plastik

                        and try clinkz mid, if there are too many cores in your team. Impossible to trade with.


                          Your problem is that
                          your item timing is horrible
                          your cs is horrible
                          Your tower damage is horrible
                          Your overall gameplay is horrible

                          Story Time

                            ^but he is guardian, what do u expect?


                              Blink ac rapier Deso mob travels


                                Blink ac rapier Deso mob travels


                                  I meant bkb not "mob" idek


                                    Can u just skip orchid pls, that item was useless after enemy got item like force staff, sb, bkb, eul

                                    Just go deso, hex, u can kill almost anybody when they alone. Dunt go late pls, just gank, kull then ratting till their rax down


                                      1. Delete DotA 2. Read clinkz guides. 3. Do something useful in ur life, join University maybe. 4. Get rich. 5. Buy a Ferrari 6. Watch twitch stream from your Ferrari and enjoy a pro clinkz gameplay. Point 4 is important, thanks!


                                        ^i fucked up my life already :)
                                        how do i get rich now?


                                          ^delete dotes


                                            ^haven't played for a month. but still watch streams and read forums. :(


                                              Very informative comments from high skill players


                                                Just putting. it out there in my.past experience if the game gets past like 25-30 minutes

                                                PL is one of the heros clink can't deal with very well