General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't get over 4k with supports only

I can't get over 4k with supports only in General Discussion

    Winter break is almost over and I just can't slip more than a couple mmr above 4k while playing supports.

    Right now I am trying to play heroes that can morph into cores late game to just deal some damage due to really nonsensical core decisions in almost every game.
    The funny thing is that my behaviour score is great and I am still somehow getting into the trench after 2-3 wins of game destroyers and other retards.

    I assume it has something to do with the vacation for the majority of people but it is still very frustrating to watch this and have to participate in it


      Its possible.. As long as you meet decent core, but population of retard player higher than population of decent player. Especially player with 90-100% core picker :D

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        yep , deffinetly hard when you only play support, u should find someone that decent with core role (from ur last match or ur real life friend) , and always go 1 lane with him. Trust me it works fine unless some retard trying to ruin ur lane by picking core. And always go for 3 man party if possible , climbing from 1k to 3k is fun actually, then i created a smurf account and hit 3.5k lol , what a waste of time

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          I dont think its impossible but it wpuld be harder than playing cores.


            Maybe with shaman nightstalker and omni, though omni is played core now, you can still do a lot as a roamer and he’s still annoying af. Ifk as far as spammable goes these are the ones I can think of

            Lruce Bee

              Don't contest your carry for last hits.

              Fee Too Pee

                i think OP already know that shit mate.

                for OP:
                just play core eventually. sometimes you just need to


                  I reach 6k just supporting


                    Just be positive,

                    rain markcawat

                      You need to play roaming mk to get 4k

                      Bob Johnson

                        I play support and had no issue hitting 5k.


                          Of course you can


                            Play better then op

                            chicken spook,,,,



                                If you know what you're doing and what your team is supposed to be doing, you can just micro manage everyone using a mic.
                                That's the best way to boost when playing support.

                                (SMURF) 5k

                                  Well it doesn't matter what hero u play ur skills which I hope is good and more importantly ur teammates that's all

                                  (SMURF) 5k

                                    If u get regards in ur team just try to be positive that's all u can do

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      pick pos 4 supports then buy wards and play around btm bounty runes and mid . your other true pos 4 should be at top runes and mid. Request your carry player to not pick am and your mid to not pick invoker and you control everything from min 0 and snowball from there.

                                      heroes matters