General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is elder titan so strong in 5k+?

Why is elder titan so strong in 5k+? in General Discussion

    He was one of my favorite heroes pre ti6 and was extremely powerful then after the ti6 nerfs I stopped playing him. I haven't seen any notable buffs that would put him at almost 60% now?


      Morph is good, et is good against him.
      Otherwise unsure.


        agility heros


          ET is one of those heroes where he is suddenly good and theres really no reason for it except maybe all other typical substitutes suck

          Story Time

            skill cap which is high


              Good people know to abuse his spells


                Pretty sure et has always had a decent winrate, he’s just become more popular now


                  He's pretty bad at laning early in the game.

                  Once he gets past the first 5 mins or so and gets a few levels, he's really good at mass disables and AOE damage.

                  sub 4ks are usually pretty bad at the laning phase. Like they'll either sap XP in the safe lane, or dive too much and die over and over.

                  In 5k+ players generally know what they're supposed. Little things like dewarding an ob can give you half a level in xp.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    He's pretty bad at laning early in the game.

                    amazing insights right there


                      rofl lvl 1 chrono radius AOE stun bad early lmeoeoeo


                        Obviously u never seen ET hit like a truck early game


                          U got jingu mastery with mini haste at lvl 3. This hero really strong as offlaner,u just need to get over it brother

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            I've 4 shotted a support as this hero
                            Is it ok to max astral spirit for memes


                              Lol he's actually very strong early game. Can solo zone out most offlaners especially tanky strengths


                                ET my favorite hero. He has given me about 1500 mmr so far.

                                casual gamer

                                  i dont see him very often but every time at lvl 2-3 hes literally running people down and fucking 4 shotting them, idk how this is balanced


                                    People in ny bracket dont know how sleepn works


                                      ^the only real problem
                                      they just wake up immediately and it feels wasted


                                        Hes always been decent, the reason why hes that good right now, is cuz He counter all the high Base armor agility cores which are played this meta. Like dusa luna am morph etc.


                                          I play a lot of ET, and I have to say his stomp is probably the strongest stun/disable in the game, combine that with good teammates you will probably end up wining every team fight you face.
                                          Hes also a very good laner, his astral spirit can do serious damage to enemy laner. If you have the skill to play the hero you could be winning every game.