General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR badge disappeared.

MMR badge disappeared. in General Discussion

    My mmr badge disappeared after the last night update.. in which they updated that we can get ancient 5 badge with party mmr. why my badge disappeared? if anyone know anything about it. it would be very humble of him/her to share some information with me.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      maybe its a bug? I can see your badge on dotabuff rn


        sorry.. medal** xD


          i have the same problem.The badge is not showing on my Dota profile either

          Cat In The Hat

            Hello folks. I've faced with the same prodlem. My mmr badge disappeared yestarday. Duno why...
            P.S. i've callibrated only party mmr w/o solo.


              i think there a some bugs around with badgers i got my divine rank suddenly on 4700 mmr after i lost a game lul.