General Discussion

General DiscussionTombstone on death

Tombstone on death in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    No not really another discussion like that

    I am actually interested on playing undying from that post

    I know what the hero does, but any tips how to play him?

    He doesn't seem to have very good rotation abilities, but he scales on engagements. From what I understand he is played best at aggressive laning, like a trilane against trilane, spamming decay. The best scenario I can see for him is a trilane mid against tri lane mid or tri lane aggressive offlane against safe trilane

    He seems like a very strong babysitter, and very powerful early, like a tempo support
    Is that assessment true? When should I pick him? And generally what objectives do I have with him? What would generally be the mindset I need to play him?
    And what to build on him? Is the normal tanky support items good on him? Like urn, crest, helbard etc'?


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      You want to rush aghs and then eblade. Cast decay a few times and you’ll be able to one shot anyone.


        I find him best in a duo offlane against a defensive trilane, especially against melee lineups where tombstone thrives. I don't personally play Undying, but I do draft him occasionally in my party and it worked wonders on some games. I feel he is a little similar to Phoenix, where he causes disruptions to teamfights and forces enemies to choose between focusing you down or suffer the consequences.

        In my own games, I often find my friends building more teamfight enabling items such as solar crest, drums, vlads and greaves but in more defensive games I do see them pick up pipe or crimson. Itemization boils down to knowing what your team needs to, as Cookies would say, destroy the enemy Ancient, which means enabling push by picking off enemies or even forcing disadvantaged fights for the enemies. For example, against a Zeus/Veno picking up a pipe is beneficial, and against PA maybe a crimson might work. Generally, having items to negate some effects from the enemies' cores can't be wrong.

        Undying thrives in skirmishes and gives your team teamfighting capabilities, especially in drawn out fights, yet Undying isn't built to be a straight up tank soaking damage in the frontline. So I guess the next best option is to play in a way that enables your cores to do the fighting and surviving enough for the objectives.

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          Yeah I heard that generally you aren't tanking but rather more of a havoc maker, with blademail and the Tombstone talent you make the other team choose whether to soak uo blademail damage and deal with another Tombstone, or not focusing undying and getting decayed down
          In that sense, Tombstone on death sounds much better than decay duration


            I feel that talent is taken more because the basic 45s is already more than enough in most skirmishes. The only time duration of decay is valued is when you hit 25 accompanied with Aghs, and to be honest how often does that happen in a game. I guess the tombstone on death comes in a way that is more practical in most games that you have to deal with some left 4 dead shit even after killing off the hero. Oh forgot to mention, never rush Aghs, there are much more useful items that are <4200g

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              I didn't think aghs is actually great on him at first place

              That sounds like a cool upgrade that an alch would give you

              Anyways thanks

              In general can you get away with him as a warding bitch? Like spirit breaker? Or you must farm to have any remote impact?

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                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Yea I said that, what's the big deal?


                    Aghs sounds great on paper. Heck, every Aghs upgrade sounds good on paper and would definitely be a plus if you have one. But without an Alch it will take up a slot and set you back 4200g for some mediocre stats and mostly situational upgrades.

                    Undying doesn't need much items to come online, maybe some sustainability he'd be good to go. But he does need levels, which is hard in this meta as jungle isn't worth much and you won't wanna jack too much exp from your cores. To be honest Spiritbreaker isn't classified under a ward bitch and neither is Undying, but to play them as a pos5 I'd say you are killing their potential, and can be much better off picking a CM.

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      I know sb isn't traditional 5, but in high level games I see him playing 5 not that rarely, and even in pro scene before he has fallen out of favor. Heck ppd sb 2 years ago was a monster position 6 (I'm not claiming to be ppd)

                      But my point is that even if it isn't traditional, SB can see plays as a 5, so I ask if undying can get away like that too

                      Honestly I can play like that, I just had yesterday a shadow demon game where I purchased 3500 worth of items and finished with brown boots and ring of health. (btw the game was horrible, nobody communicated woth me and all of them went extremely greedy, there was a bf rushing spectre, a sheepstick rushing np, a naga that I have no idea what she did and a last pick clinkz that locked mid)
                      But I just saying, I can absolutely fulfill the role of 5, even willingly. So my attitude isn't the problem


                        No worries, I'm not the kind of person that judges attitude or behaviour through reading some Internet texts, and whatever I've given is just a reference. Well on paper, most heroes can be played interchangeably. If you found a way that makes it work for you, why not. And if it doesn't work, congrats on discovering a new piece of knowledge. I personally find some heroes in my own style needs more exp and resources to be more relevant in the game, and if I needed a pos5 or 6 I'd go with something like CM or Shaman.

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          Well thanks for the insights


                            i think you haven't experienced playing against an undying with an aghs.haven't seen any undying recently but i remember those that have aghs are a real pain to deal with

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              4200 gold on mediocre stats and an upgrade that I have hard time seeing getting into practice enough to justify not spending the gold on other items

                              I just have very hard time justifying aghs in my head
                              Maybe on offlane, but that's really greedy and really playing on a timer