General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Venge as Carry?

How to play Venge as Carry? in General Discussion

    Have maybe tried this less than 5 times only.

    But whats the most effective way of playing her now?

    Erdal Kömürcü

      I'd rather playing her as pos4 she is more effective in that role i ve played her carry (before this patch) so many times and i was getting shadow blade or blink maybe to get solo kills and i was not giving point to ultimate but max my aura with stun items were like shadow blade or you can go for s&y then deso and manta or upgrade shadow to silver edge


        How is she as carry?

        BKB is a must during teamfight?

        Is range always a problem? Hence, dragon lance is core?

        I would guess she can go high ground easy?

        Top of my mind her problems are flash farm, escape mech and range

        - So is securing midas early on a good build?
        - Shadow blade both as offensive/defensive item?
        - dragon lance core item?


          mask of madness instead of midas LUL


            build agi/stat items coz your aura makes them efficient af.

            Potato Marshal

              Really sick of seeing pos 1 venges. They're so shit and scale terribly.

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                So she's strong now just as pos 4?

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  She is a pos5, not 4. But yeah i dont really like carry venge, really makes your team dependant on another carry.


                    ^ oh yeah right pos 5.. hmm so nothing much changed on her skillset and she topped the rankings coz of pos 5.. hmmm

                    Erdal Kömürcü

                      well she is great in pos4


                        imo shes a 4 not 5
                        carry venge works with midgame lineups. no falsh farm indeed

                        treads MoM dragon lance core, try to win when you have these. add a bkb if you think you need it

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          She cant roam for shit. Even sven is a better roamer than venge honestly. I know pos 4 doesnt necessarily mean roamer but there is really no reason to give this hero farm over any other support.

                          Potato Marshal

                            I don't even understand why anybody would do this gimmick build. She's like one of the most simple and straightforward heroes, so it's not even a fun gimmick build. What can carry venge provide that someone like drow or pa can't do better? Aside from having two abilities to interrupt channeling, she scales like shit.

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                              im not allowed to argue with a bluestar right?
                              i'd give her 4 until she has force glimmer and crest. get to level 12 and she can initiate highground pushes. low W cooldown helps finding the cores. wont work in higher skill games probably


                                I would play TB instead of Venge if I want to push fast. Venge carry is ok, but not that good compare to TB who could kill your entire team by just having dragon lance, treads and aquila in early game.

                                If I want to play venge carry I would rather go semi-carry build by choosing -5s cd magic missile and +400 dmg and go OC instead of full right-click one.

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                                  Venge needs literally nothing to be 3x stronger than drow in the early game
                                  She is very tanky early, does great damage, scales decently well.
                                  Not great to spam cuz she is laning stage dependent but situationally great.
                                  Max aura and wave of terror with value point in stun, do level ur ulti, but only if it will grant u a kill.


                                    Pa doesn't have venge aura
                                    Drows aura only works on ranged heroes
                                    Venge takes buildings really early and snowballs really hard.


                                      Treads MoM lance into whatever
                                      Pike, sb, manta, sny, Deso, mjollnir, butterfly, skadi, satanic, ac, bkb, mkb, bloodthorn, linkens,

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Venge is not strong at all in the early game, all of her abilities that make her a carry also apply to your allies as well, having a 30% increase in your base damage and a bit of extra minus armor is not enough and most other carries will be able to beat you 1 on 1 in late game and even the mid game. Not to mention how your aura damage is only based on your primary stat, and agility items alone scale much worse on Venge than on Drow.

                                        She farms terribly with no wave clear, scales terribly, is not really strong against any other hero in particular and excels at nothing. In fact she's weak against most other carries, she can't do anything to illusion heroes, lacks burst damage for more evasive heroes, lacks any attack modifiers like slows or splash damage, bad laner with her below average base damage and attack range. So many heroes can take towers faster like DK, TB, and Drow. Venge's aura is only good when your whole team is there.


                                          Excuse me does a hero need to have more damage and push than TB and Drow to be considered a decent carry? Thx.

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            She does if the main argument for why she's a strong carry is that she can take towers fast and early.


                                              You can be a carry from all heroes

                                              You are the real man.All u need to do is guts....and having a nice day in LP


                                                She does if the main argument for why she's a strong carry is that she can take towers fast and early.

                                                She can do that and unlike TB and DK, she's not dependent on a really long cd skill, meaning her damage is consistent at all stages; and unlike Drow, her aura will affect any hero regardless of being melee or range to contribute in damage output. You are supposed to finish the game as early as possible, so that all her weaknesses end up being moot points after all.

                                                Still would highly prefer her as a support though, Sam's right in that she makes your team dependent on another carry.

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  Consistent damage doesn't really matter if it's still weak damage, those long cooldowns you mentioned don't matter much in the context of early towers if you can take a tower quickly for it's duration. Such a huge waste to give a Venge the top farming priority on your team, there are plenty of offlaners that can scale better with farm than Venge does.


                                                    revenge for anyone

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      That illusion shit is hilarious. The ghost of medusa has splitshot

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        As carry: mom (shadow blade) lance sny pike skadi/bfly/bkb/edge

                                                        u could do hotd if you are a brave boy who doesnt care about what your team thinks

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          How does venge lack damage?
                                                          She only stuggles with it early laning stage, by midgame she has a super strong dmg
                                                          Even then her aura scales really well, and her talents are awesome
                                                          She isn't an every game thing but she is very strong in the midgame.
                                                          Btw what I meant by taking all your outer towers wasn't just pure tower dps
                                                          Venge is tanky, dives your tower, finds you, kills you, and basically opens up your towers because it's super hard to defend them.
                                                          She hits towers and she gets kills
                                                          Tb can't really chase for kills and has uptime issues
                                                          Drow requires a whole strat around her and is squishy and venges aura even affects creeps (all of them all the time)

                                                          the better spidey

                                                            What I've realized is that if you feel like your right-clicks aren't hurting that much, you probably forgot to cast your W.
                                                            Also check out her Agility gain. She's a good pos 1.

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              agi AND str gain man. good fucking stats


                                                                Its always cute seeing lower lvl players argue with blue stars about builds and positions. I mean: You are both right!
                                                                No need to force your opinion down the throat of the other. I will share a part of my writings with you guys:

                                                                I have played from literally 50 avg MMR to 6400 avg MMR everywhere. Every bracket. And dota is a different game alltogether. What works in 1k doesnt work in 3k but funny enough can work in 5k again. (Learning psychology and behaviorism has an answer for this).

                                                                Venge in 1K will buy a courier, proceed to contest in lasthits with the carry, stay for the full laning phase (20-25 minutes) and complete a first item brown boots into desolator / shadow blade. If you play here. Remember: anything works. Like srsly, you can go dagon-eblade every. single. hero. And win.

                                                                Venge in 2k will not buy a courier, since everyone is a total d*ck and he is only 2k cuz ppl are holding him/her back. Will proceed to compete with last hits, try some avant-garde build he just made up on spot and is maybe even working in his bracket but would play the main role in a cringe fest among blue stars, but even 3ks.

                                                                Venge in 3K is "I'm not a support." and is trying to mimic the Vengeful Spirit he has seen in a professional match, all data written on his little sheet of paper / present on his smartphone in front of him (what item Ramzes bought at what minute mark, what spell / talent he took at what level). He will even remember some of the plays he did (but mix them up horribly) and as soon as he tries to outwit his superior by implementing a pinch of his own style he fails terribly and loses the game. We all understand the support "rotations" are completely different in 3K than in professional dota, but our poor little 3K player doesn't, so yeah - team's bad, ppl are bad, build's bad, world is bad, "kill me now" and let's rant on Dotabuff.

                                                                Venge in 4K is a pos5 support that should Max stun first stay on the lane, swap the midder (cuz he is the loudest) always, ward the cliffs, after you max stun, max your aura, but level up W at level4. Your item choices: Solar Crest - Glimmer Cape - Force staff - Aether lens (buy anything else and you are reported). 4K is the beautiful hell of MetaNazis. Do 1 thing wrong (not according to meta) and "REPORT GG NUB LOSE GAME END". MMR anxiety is getting higher with every single point you get, but this is explained in an other chapter.

                                                                Venge in 5K can be a roamer, because in this bracket EVERYTHING can be a roamer and people rather roam than play pos5, 'cause they feel 5 so impactless compared to 5. The beauty of this bracket is pretty similar to 1k though: E V E R Y T H I N G W O R K S
                                                                You can build whatever, you can be whatever, because it mostly comes down to your playstyle and level of micro knowledge and team composition. People understand the powers of deathball and will abuse it, people start punishing plays that weren't before.
                                                                Also in this bracket just like in 4K you have a lot of account buyers and even more tilters. Especially mid players are prone to abandon after a few coordinated ganks. Dual roaming is pretty neat, get a Venge + 1 stun and keep sitting mid, glhf.

                                                                Venge in 6K is a pos5 support, pos2 carry (you mostly get more farm reliant midlaners, with venge being able to come online so fast). You can play aggro lanes you can even bring her mid. The game quality in this bracket while compared to other brackets is consistent, comparing 6k games among each other however feels like comparing the painting of Peter Nicolai Arbo's 'Valkyrie' with Edward Munch's 'The Scream'. And I'm not talking about painting or painter quality, but the feeling they share with viewers.

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