General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you know, if you're playing the hero right?

How do you know, if you're playing the hero right? in General Discussion
зачем я начал поиск

    Suppose you start playing a hero, you've never played before.
    What's your personal criteria for knowing you're doing the right things (items, skillbuild, playstyle, etc.)?

    In other words, how do you know, that you need to change something/something works/doesn't work?

    Thought about this, because the Undying thread made me sad for some reason.
    Like, unironically sad, because I reflected on how that must be from his perspective.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      If you are a dota veteran you probably saw him playing, against/with you, in tournaments, in streams, in videos, so on. Also by pazzling together his abilities and stats. So you don't really have a problem to understand the point of a hero, and you can start playing him accordingly, and maybe first games you gonna suck, but when you'll get the hang of the hero no problem

      In newbies I don't think there's a problem in first place, you don't know the game, so you experience with it, like every other newbies


        You don't know. What you can do is learn form better people, read dota wiki, watch some useful videos. You can't apply 2k strategy to pro games, but it doesn't necessarily mean you can't apply pro strategies to 2k games.