General Discussion

General Discussionso i know absolutely nothing about behavior score

so i know absolutely nothing about behavior score in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I think mine is low. I developed this bad habit of muting everyone when i played ranked for awhile to concentrate. When games would go bad i would flame people. I don't know why i BM like that I accept almost every loss as my own fault it is just easy to tilt.

    Anyway I want to change that. Before I attempt to grind MMR is it worth it to play a handful of unranked and spam positive things and try to get commended? to increase this score so i queue with better team mates? is this a thing? i thought this score was a joke honestly i did not realize it was a thing for awhile


      If you truly want to stop being toxic, you should continue muting negative people, avoid playing when you're in a bad mood, tired or hungry, be constructive if you for some reason want to critisize teammates (eg. Next time, let me stun first, so you guarantee to hit all your abilities).

      Also, spam turbo games so you use half the time to play enough games to boost your behavioral score.

      Another tip is to play all positions so you get a good understanding of what everyone is dealing with. Knowing how a shitty day for a support feels like, might make you reconsider flaming him/her.

      Cheesy Wenis

        Never play when you're in a bad mood. If a game is pissing you off it's time to find something else to do with that time. Play a different game that you enjoy, or go do another hobby that will de-stress you. What's the point of wasting free time being angry? There's not enough as it is, and it goes by so fast. Don't waste the time you have.

        Plus you play worse while angry. The adrenaline literally sucks blood from your extremities and closer to your torso as a defensive measure, making your fingers numb. Numb fingers move slower and less able to feel the actuation point of a key.