General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying Offlane.

Playing Offlane. in General Discussion

    I'm lately playing offlane I would like to know some tips for this meta, I wasn't playing too much until new ranking system came out. I was playing Legion, Underlord, Centaur, yesterday was my first match as Omniknight offlaner. What do you think about him? I need suggestions, I don't want to ruin the game xD




        Try brew. Hes finally getting atention nowadays.


          Pick LC and jungle with him.


            Brew ench Omni underlord tidehunter

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              Well, it all goes about picking right offlaner vs right carry or line-up. Or kinda pocket strategy like exort voker+clock. Most of the time it would be cool if your team let you have 3-4 pick or at least when you see their carry and your teammates so you can have something from it, it's awful thing to pick offlaner in early pick stages. Underlord works great vs 2 almost any heroes (watch out for luna tho). See am? Pick axe. Many meele? Tidehunter is your choice. Many nasty stuff? Phoenix or DS might be an answer. Watch out for bounty rune timings, the best thing is when your 4-5 pos comes to secure bounty runes. Play more agressive vs weak line-ups. One more thing - don't be afraid to create space with your death until lvl 5 (if it won't be a first blood) so you will give less xp than a creep. Don't forget to make a rotation to gank since you have your ult (like nyx) or items (avoid farming as axe since you have dagger). From time to time it's good idea to ask your teammates to help you with first couple waves and deny as much creeps as you can, so you can get a lvl advantage and lane control as well. Always stay flexible with items and skill build, if you face strong enemies with heavy early-game kill potential or trilane get boots as fast as you can. Usually it's cool to have someone to help you secure your boots until 2:00 (unless your hero has high mobility like ds or wr) than you or him get bounties and he leaves the lane letting you get as much xp as you can. Mangoes are huge, make sure you bought at least one in the beginning of the game. Raindrop is also huge get it since it will be available. If things going bad and there is a well payed option to switch lanes with your carry - go for it. Communication with your team is your key at any lane and any stage of the game. Always stay flexible. For example at this game i supposed to be offlaner, but only after we started i changed to roaming which leaded to complete destroy of their mid sniper (forced him to abandon)
              I play since 6.27 and this is not my main acc tho. i don't have main actually.
              SEA is cancer btw.


                Pick bloodseeker and jungle with him


                  Techies is top tier offlaner


                    Pick CM and jungle with her(mute those who ping for help)


                      1.Don't die for a creep.

                      2.if you have more regen. Go trade hits with the support.

                      3. Be a giant target for the supports so they'll stay in lane an not gank the autist mid laner.

                      4.If theyre very good at controlling the creeps. Pull.

                      5.have a tp ready. With all the levels youve got. You can fuck up the enemys gank on another lane

                      6. Dont die