General Discussion



    how do you not die in lane 5times in 5mins when you are using heroes that cant jungle?

    sorry for the bad english

    зачем я начал поиск

      Don't pick trash heroes.
      Have a brain.


        Gank other lane?


          Pick Brewmaster, spam 70% miss chance for 20 mana. Have more farm than enemy carry.

          Only downsize of it is a triple lane, but u can jungle with him with qb and stout no problems on lvl 2.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Then you just sap some EXP from afar or in trees because bad draft.
            Maybe your teammates are kind enough to help you out, but that's usually not worth it.


              Hey Lex,

              if your jungling brew against a trilane, what skill build do you go?


                Make sure your hero can beat the enemy carry 1v1 to keep supports occupied. This means other lanes aren’t getting pressured and YOUR carry is also getting farm. Don’t worry about getting CS and kills and disrupting enemy carry’s farm. Just don’t feed, stay alive, hold tower as long as you can and grab every little bit of farm you can and you’re good to go :)


                  The best hero to learn offlane with is tide since he's easy to play and can jungle if needed:
                  Lvl 1: Try not to take too much damage and get lvl 2 so you have your w + e

                  Lvl 3: Max e first. Use it every time the carry (usually melee) comes for a last hit. If the carry starts attacking you, use e and hit him back. Bonus points if you also hit the support with your e. If the carry is a ranged hero or is monkey king, you'll have to just get as much exp as you can without dying. If you cannot stay in lane at all, you'll have to jungle.

                  Lvl 4: You can either play defensive and get a point in w or get a value point in q for the slow if you can kill with it.

                  Just before lvl 6: Ask for any supports to gank your lane when you get lvl 6.
                  Lvl 6:Use support stun --> e --> r --> e --> q(if you have it) to kill someone, preferably the carry. If no one ganks then just use ravage when their carry is low and you can kill him alone (you'll have to play a few games of tide to know when you can and cannot kill).

                  Thats the basics, use tordelini's tide guide for the item + skill build.