General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked System Info

Ranked System Info in General Discussion

    This may be common sense to lots of you. I'm making this thread in hopes of helping those who are confused as to how this new system works (and maybe to show some interesting info people haven't seen). I'm going to keep this post very brief and hope myself and others can answer questions in the comments.

    The new system still gives people a numerical rating behind the badges. This can be found under the stats option when clicking your profile.

    I lost ___ mmr when I recalibrated gg

    Generally, most people lost mmr. This doesn't mean that you're worse. The system has deflated everyone's mmrs. So the top players are now 7k instead of 10k.

    I went on a big losing streak and my badge hasn't changed?

    From what is understood so far, you can't "derank" during a season, meaning your badge will always show the highest rank you achieved that season. However, when the next season comes around and you recalibrate, your badge will change according to your new mmr.

    Some fun info about rank distribution and their correlations to mmr.

    This is what the distribution of ranks looks like according to this site. For now, the 4th out of 7 rank at 2/5 stars is the 50% marker. This is pretty good considering it's at the midway point as far as rankings go. However, this is only a small portion of the players. Please keep this in mind.

    Here is the rough estimate as to what rank you will be according to your mmr.

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    TheDoctor (HTPG)

      Thanks for your time in doing this mate
      I got the rough idea for the new ranking system
      Might i ask what is the accuracy of this system that you've predicted?
      Not to down you or what so
      just need some rough numbers


        I reached guardian 5 at 1500 mmr so its just +-40 off

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          I think the 4.2k ancient is wrong. I'm currently 4200+ and still Legend [5].

          Justin Weaver

            140 mmr for each star and 840 for each medal. I hit legend at 3360 which satisifes this

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              As more people calibrate I get the impression that the boundaries are being tweaked


                Yeah I’m not sure if the seasonal badges are directly linked to current mmr. If it is then the numbers should be pushed up between probably 40-60 cause my badge is below the mmr based on your graph. Nice work though! Thanks for the effort.


                  Legend 0 definitely doesn't start at 3.360, i just reached it with 3.353 MMR.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Numerical value stated is abit higher than it is but it's close

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      Oh that's very informative, thank you

                      Finally the mmr gets deflated :)

                      Erdal Kömürcü

                        I am 2.826 and archon 4 now


                          Yeah they definitely got tweaked - I just calibrated at 2608 and got Archon 0.

                          Muhammad Sumbul

                            I calibrated 1800 mmr in 2013 and left it untouched.When I calibrated again it gave me crusader 2.But when i play ranked its full of shit people who can't even play properly,but when i play unranked i find games in high skill bracket with legends and ancients.The same happened before the medal system came "2.3k max in ranked" and 3.5k-5k in unranked so i quit ranked.Can someone explain how unranked matchmaking and ranked matchmaking works ucz this shit is really messed up.3584420103 just a unrakend game against a ancient 5 star medusa and legends and archons.


                              Its funny how a spike occurs in certain ranges, like 4000-4099 and 5000-5099. Its almost like people stop playing after that benchmark so they won't drop.

                              Can't lose mmr if you don't play ranked. ::thinking::

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Can anyone ban this revolution moron he copy pastes some facebook-esque garbage nobody cares about everywhere