General Discussion

General Discussionwhat killed mid pudge?

what killed mid pudge? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I know mid pudge has always been pretty bad but it used to sort of work. I personally think the hook speed nerf was huge. And made him rely on sitting in the fog a lot more, not necessarily contesting a lane or getting an early game farm advantage.

    I know he is way better as a roamer or offlaner and that is the main reason he does not get played mid anymore. But even aside from this I feel it is way worse than it was before. I tried it on my smurf and got decent amount of kills but died several times (which I try not to do on smurf) but it just felt harder and I did not necessarily shut down mid like mid pudge used to.

    I am just curious more than anything on what killed this trend. Even in lower bracket pub games pudge does not get played mid. I am not trying to make a case for it or say it is good, I personally love pos 4 pudge and have been playing it since they buffed hook range early levels.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Deny xp

      Pale Mannie

        bottle nerfs
        strength buffs
        meta shifted from mid gank lanes to supports gank mid/other lanes
        dendis relevance
        those russian kids who did this grew up
        comeback gold. i mean, thats how the old mid ganks lanes meta died out in my perspective.

        Chao Vritra

          bottle nerfs
          strength buffs
          meta shifted from mid gank lanes to supports gank mid/other lanes
          dendis relevance
          those russian kids who did this grew up
          comeback gold. i mean, thats how the old mid ganks lanes meta died out in my perspective.

          loll. Very informative post and XD at the russian kids growing up thing. Also deny XP is a good point I never thought of that.

          So could you get away with mid pudge with the right composition or is this pretty much always shit now? His base damage is decent but it is just too easy to gank him mid.

          Also, I was curious, who are some good pudge players to watch now that the dendi era is done? I really like Qupe, Jenkins, and have watched a little leviathin or whatever his name is. What are some other good ones?


            mostly what goethe said
            it didnt rlly matter what happened to mid pudge in lane, cuz he wud get as fast a lvl 6 as possible, and then gank constantly
            now mid is much more of a farming role, and the supports do the ganking
            since pudge always wants to be ganking, he is now the roaming support.


              Roaming happened.


                The passage of time