General Discussion

General DiscussionCommunication in sub-5k is overrated

Communication in sub-5k is overrated in General Discussion

    Communication is really important in higher MMR games, but it's counter productive in games below 5K.

    The whole point of communicating in Dota is to get a plan to work before disaster strikes (i.e. lanes lost, bad draft, bad team fight). When done right, it can be game winning (e.g. picking Ursa with SS and dominating the lane, or Pitlord getting pipe first instead of greaves against Zeus/Tinker, aggressive trilaning against a Spectre).

    Below are some examples of communication gone bad in my recent games (mid 4k), where things would have been better if people just didn't say anything at all.

    Example 1:

    Tuskar blamed the Veno for a bad team fight, which led to these guys fighting on the mic for the rest of the game. Veno tilted, stopped buying wards, and the map was totally dark for the last 10 mins. Potm and OD got ganked, they pushed, GG.

    Example 2:

    We asked Brown in lobby to pick a support that disables because our draft lacked any stuns. He picked Pugna. Team said damn we could have used a SS or Lion. He (4.8K) called everyone low 4K garbage and bought boots (us asking him to pick a different hero tilited him). Game started without courier. No wards all game.

    In this case, if we hadn't said anything, he wouldn't have tilted and bought courier and obs. Needlesstosay, the game would have stood a chance if we had a proper support.

    Example 3:

    I abandoned this game (team still won, so good for them).

    I was offlaning Underlord against Spec Pudge Slar. I got zoned out. I asked my supports to either kill the enemy offlaner (Potm) or mid (Injoker) or rotate top instead of sitting in lane doing nothing.

    The Lich doesn't understand what getting zoned out means, and started calling out on my play and flaming (this was like 4 mins into the game). I tilted and abandoned. My fault, but this could have been avoided.


      im not near 4k... but kinda agree...
      every game i try to ask for good picks, i even say what could be the best picks for the draft... but people just dont listen
      When the new calibration arrives, ill try just mute everyone and say see what happens


        people have chat unmuted below 5k?

        idk, how can you guys can bring yourselves to even look at it, yet alone read your team's stupidity?

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        one syllable anglo-saxon

          idk, how can you guys can bring yourselves to even look at it, yet alone read your team's stupidity?

          but then u cant abuse the chat for advanced pschological warfare and predict ur enemys next move based on thier personality(which u easily determine by analyzing what they write in chat)


            i dont know, ive won games because I could tell my bat rider, "hey laso this person and we win fights."


              ^ he'd prolly say something like "nice mid" or w/e aimed at you

              meteor hammer

                Communication in sub-6k is overrated


                  Overrated my ass, it saved my last ranked game from a retarded, sure loss. The fact that by miracle people listened still makes me wanna cry from joy.

                  My teammates mark their lanes, Jugg marks safelane. A guy randoms Drow as first pick, the guy that then picked NP starts tilting "Drow first pick, nice random btw fucking idiot gg", the one that later picked Sniper joins the flame train. I beg people to adjust to the random pick and get a hero good for pushing, since we were vs a Spectre and a Techies. Thank god the guy that had marked Jugg picks Venom instead and goes for a dual lane bot with NP. I told them to end fast, they agreed and did their best. Only at one point the whole team went full retarded and started splitting and blaming each other, but it last like 2 minutes, I randomly argued with NP but then we went back to our strategy. The sniper said "it's ok we have a sniper and a drow late game, we can handle it" (???) but NP and I repeated to push, thank god he listened again.

                  Now just imagine if I hadn't said anything: prolly Drow-Jugg safelane, people afk farming, NP trying to split and dying 'cause no space would have been created, me as solo support not able to get sentries and wards and everything, "gg no supp report Jakiro", they would have kept trash talking the drow and we would have ended up in a 9 hours game vs 2 cancers late game to just lose the match and die from rage.

                  Communication is overrated only in very low brackets where people lack even the basic knowledge of the game and it's not that they don't wanna listen, it's that they don't even understand what and why you're saying those things. I'm sorry you got these dumbshits in 4k, but from high 3k up imo you should always communicate, at least try to. Another problem is HOW you communicate and if you have a trash behavior score, 'cause in case you have it then it's really not worth to even try.

                  Mlada i Luda

                    unles you commit rly hard on talking at mic trying to organize and untilt your team , prety much like siraction slacks does , than you better dont talk and dont (listen ofc) to your retarded low mmr team mates. yes mostly of the time it will only makes things worst.
                    even if you have a decent plan , you cant implant in your teammates brain, unles you explain rly well in details than they will maybe listen to you and execute it as your planing to. usually you dont have time for that shit .

                    Chao Vritra

                      I have had way more success with the mouse wheel than voice chat or typing. Idk if it is because it gets translated or if it is just a neutral kind of thing or what.


                        but then u cant abuse the chat for advanced pschological warfare and predict ur enemys next move based on thier personality(which u easily determine by analyzing what they write in chat)

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        meteor hammer

                          u dont even ned chat if u perform CUKI REPLAY ANALYSIS u will know where they tp and what they will do based on their mmr and hero retards

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            Don't forget the 4 dimensional 10 tier counter graph

                            Potato Marshal

                              9/10 times, people have nothing useful to say on SEA, and that's assuming they're even coherent.


                                Chat sometimes helps. I honestly would prefer if nobody talks but has the sound on to listen. Anytime people talk it's usually nothing good to say.


                                  Always tell lame-ass jokes on team chat to break the tension, especially when your the one doing the heavy lifting at the moment... works 10/10

                                  eg. What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?

                                  Wasabi (wassup B)

                                  What did Dr. Dre say when 50 cent gave him a sweater?

                                  "Gee, you knit?"