General Discussion

General DiscussionTo Yapzor someone, or not to Yapzor someone.

To Yapzor someone, or not to Yapzor someone. in General Discussion

    As a rubick, i often findmyself essentially 'out of the game' if i play it as a position 5, as rubick becomes an entirely different hero once you have a mobility item and aghs.

    So its safe to assume you're playing position 4 rubick right, and if you're in a really good rubick game, eg. the enemy team has a lion, lich, warlock etc.
    As a rubick, more often than not i'll be roaming the map stealing bounties and setting up kills as opposed to killing creeps to get farmed.

    The question is, Is it appropriate to 'ks' or succure kills on rubick? or should i always try and set them up for my 'carries'.
    I watched a number of replays from some of the bigger names on rubick, (Yapzor, Miracle, GH, Kuro) and they all seem to have a different style of play.
    Yapzor whom is known as one of the best rubicks around, will often 'tax' his midlane or offlaner of a kill in order to stay relevant as the game progresses. Similar to how an oracle will 'snipe' the kill with his quick cast time high damage nuke.
    Miracle and GH when playing the position 4 rubick, will almost always nuke first in order to 'reduce' the damage output of the enemy and will even attempt to body block the player so that the 'True position 3-2-1' can accelerate his/her farm.
    Kuro, Will play rubick as a self sacrifcing position 5 and will rarely aquire an aghs in a game, mostly focusing on utilty items like, urn/euls/force/glimmer.

    as a midlaner, i hate getting 'yapzord' .. However, as a rubick player sometimes it feels nessasary till you can come online


      yapzor plays a very flashy but greedy support
      its just very different, secret prioritizes yapzor a lot, whereas puppey is usually the slave
      kinda how zai used to get farm while ppd was the slave in eg (ppd pos 6 LUL)
      its just different dota idk how else to say

      Riguma Borusu

        it does not matter who takes the kill, what you need to do is tp too late so that your midlaner dies when he's already lvl 5-6 which means you get a wave or two of gold and experience

        that's how you yapzor

        kills give so little in the early game it doesn't even matter anymore

        yung griphook

          take that kill cuz ur gonna carry these shit stains not him