General Discussion

General DiscussionPraise the matchmaking

Praise the matchmaking in General Discussion

    I just encountered Makaveli- in an all pick pub
    Damn that was stressfull


      seems like mr 3k wants a medal?


        so if i lost i would have been a shistain complaining about the MM
        But as i won i'm just here to get my medal ?
        Hanter logic it seems


          well clearly it seems like u are very proud of winning this match and felt the need that every1 on this forum had to see this?

          Have u noticed that actually nobody gave a shit and didn't post? I just felt the need to comment on it because It's fun to see how u think u are a good player because u won that match.


            lul i've played with this dude 10 times atleast in unranked.Played vs liqiud gh and saksa yestarday in unranked too,who is this guy btw? He has all pro players on his friendlist.


              all u need is dat makaveli


                Makaveli is one that plays a lot with miracle, mAgE, aliceXZ and ragnar in party
                The thing is that you're 5k-6k so it's normal you encounter pros and so
                But i was in stack with a 2k friend so it was really unlikely to get matched with him


                  woaw you played with a
                  random person on the internet, lifetime achievement!


                    "2k friend" well not exactly, just slightly under.
                    I fed so much mostly due to the stress, I mean you don't encounter 6k every day especially for a scrub like me.