General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes turbo spam raise behavior score?

Does turbo spam raise behavior score? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu


    someone said it should but I haven't seen anyone really research this

    the logic is that games are shorter and nobody will report you as long as you didn't play like a complete moron or flamed your team, but does it work?


      yes,but its a waste of time,better make new account like me and make some use from the games.

      Riguma Borusu

        it is fine with me, I actually plan to spam turbo for fun anyways, this is just a bonus


          what ? lul it just take me like 3 good overall conduct to get in normal , the same flamers shit and trolls and people who pick what they want but they dont feed every game like D


            Turbo mode good to do all hero challenge

            Riguma Borusu

              @KZoom: I got F behavior score because I abandoned a bunch of games. I basically never get reported, so if I just play a lot of turbo without abandons I should get my score back.


                Got from F to Normal in a week god bless turbo.


                  some people play turbo in vp games tournament league.