General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do pros throw a shadow strike on catapults when pushing?

Why do pros throw a shadow strike on catapults when pushing? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    It makes zero sense, it deals basically no damage. Also why do shadow shamans drop wards when the tower is already at 20% hp and the whole team is attacking the tower? Area denial maybe? Prevention of a tower deny? I just finished watching some matches played @DotaPit and I saw multiple people doing this shit, in one case it was the infamous 1k net worth difference per minute where they still did it.

    I get that those people are 6-10k but I seriously have no idea why you would ever do either of those things.


      Maybe because they dont have a single meteor hammer to help them siege the building?


        I’m gonna go with the move slow on the shadow strike? Idk for that one tbh .

        I do know the shaman plan tho . A lot of times pro teams will try and rengage tower fights when tower gets to 10% because that is when the carry steps forward to last hit the tower. Shaman wards protect the carry from that rengagement.

        But yeah no clue on qop , I’m ass at her lol.

        ez Art

          because it doesn't make sense not to do that either. Why you wouldn't? you will recover the mana 2 sec later. At that stage of the game you should 2-hit every other creep why would you waste SS on them? Just SS the goddamn catapult.

          It's just something that anyone that wants to do stuff in the game would do. I sometimes can do stuff like this but i don't coz im lazy but people who do this kind of things are the ones that win more games.

          Because it's better to work in favor of the lane, etc. There's infinite stuff like this that allows you to save a lot of small amounts of time and [time = Farm and push]. To be clearer: It saves time.

          TLDR: To save small amounts of time

          i could go deeper but i lack of lots of gameplay time lately to come up with other examples.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            the carties have hella magic resist or smth cuz they dont die to nukes
            at all
            they do like no dmg

            The DarKNovA

              Because she's Queen of Pain, and Cartie is her bitch from that moment on.


                Probably shows that you rarely watch pro matches , keep watching them and you'll find yourself silly for asking these questions


                  That’s the response of a man who also has no idea what the answer is.

                  Potato Marshal

                    I don't really watch pro games much, the only reason why I would think to do that would be to slow down the catapult, since by the time your mana becomes expendable enough to do that, would be when one right click already does more damage to a catapult, since dagger would only deal 100 damage to it.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      cuz 2 scream already kill all other creeps

                      Dire Wolf

                        Pros do a lot of stuff that seems kinda weird, like they'll cast spells on a wave they've already half cleared etc where me in a normal game would be afraid to spend the mana. But they know how to manage their mana and cds a lot better so it doesn't really matter.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Probably shows that you rarely watch pro matches , keep watching them and you'll find yourself silly for asking these questions

                          I watch almost all pro matches, have been since the TI5, and pros make a lot of misplays that are understandable from the perspective of a viewer, but a lot of things they do just cannot be explained by ordinary logic. There's no way it makes sense to drop serpent wards just to have the tower die one second later with wards doing barely any damage. It sounds like the captain said "you have wards?" and the SS player immediatelly dropped them on the dying T2 tower without thinking, when the captain really meant "you have wards? lets push high ground!"


                            to kill stuff faster

                            Dire Wolf

                              Pros may overcommit on some things just to prevent counter plays or ensure something, then they'll wait for cooldowns before their next move. They just have a different game plan than pubs.

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                If I were playing for real money, I would go overkill on objectives.

                                IMO, placing wards = 100% objective is destroyed, assuming it's 1/4 of HP left, no matter how the teamfight will go and = more chances to win a fight, in case the enemy would want to for some retarded reason, hence wards are already up; area denial, can't go in.

                                Player 153433446

                                  One thing i notice alot is that pro's dont spare abilities, they will blow 3 ulti's on a dying support with 200hp.
                                  But the shadowstrike on siege is proly a missplay

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I do not question it when ss throws wards down where a teamfight might occur, what I have seen is that 3 heroes are dead on the enemy team and he would throw down wards when the tower is at 20% hp and his 2 right click cores are hitting the tower, that is just stupid no matter how you look at it. If the tower is low but there might be a fight around it then no shit it is a good idea to throw down wards to secure it or at least dissuade the enemy team from fighting back, especially if the game is even.


                                      If catapult was coming to tower, they probably used it for the slow, so it won't hit tower. Besides that idk, maybe misplay. Wards seem like a misplay.

                                      Pros do a lot of things badly. There was a time when we had midas-blink build on Slark. It was total garbage, but many pros did it.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        It wasn't coming to a tower, in fact it was closer to the enemy T2 than it was to his. He threw a shadow strike to deal 100 damage to it and barely had enough mana for one blink afterwards. That just looked so weird.

                                        But yes I understand how using it on a catapult coming close to a tower can be meaningful, I was not questioning that.

                                        O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                          THE wards on tower is misplay. Qop shadowstrike is not material. Meaning it’s just for show at that stage in the game