General Discussion

General DiscussionLook who I sniped here @Lex

Look who I sniped here @Lex in General Discussion

      But he's trash lmao

      Riguma Borusu

        I met 24 years of bad decisions in turbo yesterday, chill guy, I played like shit but we had tons of fun even when losing.

        I also met SIELOS VAGIS in LPQ a few weeks ago, the same thing.

        Also met Unhealable Damage a month ago, the same thing.

        It seems most people from dotabuff I meet in my games are chill dudes.

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          I'm muted for calling a guy "d%$k" lmao, rip. Up for a game Sama?

          Riguma Borusu

            I have a fever right now so I am really not in mood to play dota (or write those multi paragraph essays) but you can add me so we can throw a few games later.


              I can't send friend requests because shit my acc is "limited", you do it please pl0x(humiliation ikr)

              Riguma Borusu


                btw I am terrible at dota I mostly play for fun and memes

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                  OP are u fckin kiddin me ? Veno random went jungling min 2. I had no support vs that psycho batrider. Solo vs non stop napalm 13 cs min 5 and still managed to get 817 gpm and deal highest dmg in team and we won that game ! + 15 k Tower dmg

                  Maybe post link to the game next time instead of flaming ? Now I know why are you muted.


                  I was 0:5 after laning stage btw with maybe 38 cs 10 min mark

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    I'm not flaming lol?
                    That game was a 5v4 I had to buy all the wards haha
                    I know! I even helped you versus bat and we stopped him for some time until you got fat hehe
                    Night Stalker lane pos 5 in that game smh worked

                    FeelsGoodMan finding DB guys in my games

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                      thought he quit dota and enjoyed life


                        I did but I decided to get back and Im not enjoying life again. Gosh this game is a pain.

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          if you want something in the middle just play turbo


                            I wish I could do that but I can only enjoy a game when there's a challenge. I thought I can relax from dota playing Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3...... Screw that games lol.


                              Yo OP I even beat your both lifetime tower damage record and gpm record in that game you call me trash. :D Well but there's truth in it also. Im almost 30 years old and despite playing daily Im worse than I used to be. In decision making and reactions mostly. I die too much and dont know how to fix it.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Because I only play pos 3/4/5? nice observing and arguments you got there fam


                                  And nibba be grateful I helped your ass in that game hehe


                                    Y I am, you made a lot of space with Tinker, game was fun, not in early game though.

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                                      where u from lex ?


                                        I remember the time when I was in Greece and told 2 cute girls who I was flirting with for more than an hour, that Im from Poland. They immediately walked away. Well that was not what I was expecting... Now I tell everybody Im from Monaco, flag is the same but upside down.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Riguma Borusu


                                          Story Time

                                            I remember the time when I was in Greece and told 2 cute girls who I was flirting with for more than an hour, that Im from Poland. They immediately walked away. Well that was not what I was expecting... Now I tell everybody Im from Monaco, flag is the same but upside down.

                                            same goes for russians in Poland as i found out, but damn, polish girls are hot :(


                                              Does anyone have any polish remover?
                                              No ban pls found this funny joke on the internet


                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    Does anyone have any polish remover?
                                                    No ban pls found this funny joke on the internet

                                                    it is fine as long as you aren't talking about #000000 people, it is only possible to be racist towards #000000 people, if you are #FFFFFF nobody cares


                                                      idc nation
                                                      idc ideology
                                                      idc religion
                                                      idc race
                                                      idc career
                                                      idc manners
                                                      i only care ass (and gender)

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