General Discussion

General DiscussionCould I have won this?

Could I have won this? in General Discussion

    Could I have won this without my teammates? I mean, not with my teammates, but by not changing how they played in this match.

    If so, in which parts of the game am I playing wrong and at what ways can I actually improve?

    I don't really care if you wanna be salty. Go spend your time doing that. I want to play better and I just want to hear from the people who would give me an advice.

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      Maybe you should have pushed more instead of just killing and farming, they have 3 hard carrys, no way wou win lategame ^^


        Dota is a game you can't win alone, it's not about individual skills and performance. In your game we can see that you won your mid your were against a full core team i guess no one ganked you. You hold the early and mid game advantage and you started taking solo pick off with your shadow blade. So you did a real good job.
        I think the main problem was the teamplay, you could have killed as many ennemies as you wanted but you couldn't climb the highground all by yourself.
        There is not much you could change if your mates played the same way they did, so what you have to think about is not only "how should i improve my farm effiency, position, decision..." but also how you should communicate and use your team.

        My purpose is to tell you that you have to be as positive as possible so that your positivness (my english sucks) make the atmosphere pleasant to everyone. I don't know if you get what i mean but you have also played games with friendly mates communicating and laughing actually not trash talking and calling "gg" "report" ... The spirit of players changes the course of the game a lot as dota is a mind game as well.

        Well have a nice day bro and keep on improving.


          Normal skill, easy game.
          1. Rape Mid
          2. Rape other lanes with shadow blade since they are all farmers and do not buy wards
          3. Rax them

          Your item selections are wrong btw. Go for full DPS with bloodstone and shadowblade as your first two items.

          Riguma Borusu

            if you were a 6k player playing in a 2k game than maybe

            as you are, no, because you did not


              @Das ist Pfandtastisch

              I did push, my pushing point was 7.8 on this match, my other teams didn't push enough though. Huskar, maybe, sometimes, and WD was also tagging along. Centa was soloing. Which leads me to a question, is it really worth it that Mirana was defending Bot's Tier 1 Tower instead of coming with us at mid?

              Maybe it was probably my fault for not making her come with us. I didn't say anything because I honestly didn't know her defending our tier 1 tower was the right thing to do or not. She also never uses her ult, only for ganking, not for escaping.


                @Guerrier Masaï 2

                Ty for the input! Yes, sadly, sometimes I trash talk, only when they trash talk to me first though. I try my best to keep calm, but I think that's going to take a while.

                Maybe you're right, I'm too focused with my own hero. As I've said before, I think Mirana defending our tier 1 tower was very wrong in the game. And I admit it was also my fault for not saying anything. I didn't know what to do.



                  Yes, actually, when I was still playing on the match, I slightly regretted making those items. I should've gone for more survivability items instead of focusing on fully damage items.

                  I used to build Bloodstone but I don't do that anymore, because I thought that I didn't need it as long as I have SB and Linken. I'll surely build it after this, thank you!

                  Potato Marshal

                    Kaya is a shitty meme item, also you should've gotten a fast Silver Edge that match, you have 3 heroes that have half their skillset be passives on the enemy team.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      To answer your question, one would need to thoroughly watch your replay and analyze it. Else these are all empty speculations and hypothetical assumptions. Just watching your good KDA doesn't give a clue what exactly you were doing, how you moved around the map, how you took objectives, etc.

                      Doubt anyone would waste their time reviewing someone else's replay, unless they have some kind of profit for it.


                        Na you would've lost this game in any case, this is just a typical 1v9 game, it happends to the best of us.


                          You fell for the "I'm killing everyone so that means I don't have to hit creeps" meme which is probably what got you the sub 500 gpm.


                            @Takes two to Pango Actually, as I have said before I was indeed pushing. I was pushing more than the rest of my team. I'm 80% pushing more than any of them.

                            Heck, I even tried ratting but AM was always ready to TP back :(

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              @Versatile Player

                              I meant, as in my item build, as some have mentioned before that I had the wrong build, and things like that. Things that people can see without actually watching the replay.


                                @Potato Marshal

                                I actually went for Kaya not for the damage, but for the manacost and mana loss reduction. But yes, I should've went for Silver Edge instead of going full damage. It was my fault to think that I could all of the 3 carries early game, without noticing that they're all late game heroes. I didn't think it would matter so much and I regret it :(


                                  ^u need right click items on Lina to carry
                                  Ur aghs eblade Kaya shit won't carry u far
                                  If u had like ac silver edge bloodthorn bloodstone, stuff that gives u actual dmg, u wud be much better off

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    Things that people can see without actually watching the replay.

                                    The question of your thread is

                                    COULD I HAVE WON THIS?

                                    To answer that question, things that people can see without watching full replay are meaningless.
                                    When I was constanty raising MMR, I would routinely watch my own lost replays.
                                    I sometimes had good GPM/KDA/TD, but the problem was primarily in the way I traded objectives, in the way I prioritized things on the map, in the way I communicated, etc.

                                    At a certain point I stopped doing that, because I am too lazy, also probably the reason I got stuck at upper 4k trash and never progressed further.

                                    Anyway, you got the point.
                                    Things that people can tell just by looking at the stats are most likely not directly related to why you lost that game.
                                    The answer probably lies in 1-3 particular fundamental mistakes you've made in macro play during that match, but they can't be recovered, unless you waste time to watch full replay.

                                    Also the reason 99% of threads like these make no sense.
                                    Stats may give a general idea or a hint, but even then don't tell the full story.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      3.3k building damage