General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth it ?Spamming hero for boosting mmr?need pro advice

Is it worth it ?Spamming hero for boosting mmr?need pro advice in General Discussion
Takiya Genji

    Been playing dota for 1 Current mmr is 1k,i've been trying to spamming specific hero like sven,AM,etc. So, even my team is bad i can still carry the game to win.can i keep spam this specific hero for boosting my mmr?or there's some strategy to reach 4-5k mmr? Btw this is my account


      Lone Druid :v

      Takiya Genji

        Ooh cmon, i sucked at hero which required micro skill


          Every step its different.
          You are 1k your target is not 4k
          Its 2k. So git guud.
          Keep like that.


            Spam Centaur. Get Rekt.


              in 1k the heroes that make the most space the better you play them are the heroes you need to spam. Examples, TA, Axe, AM, CK, Necro, Bristleback, Abaddon, Centaur, Wraith King, Alch- Now to make the post relevant to you. YOu already play Axe, Wraith King. Spam them Learn to play them. Honestly though Man you have no even played any heroes yet. You dont play alot of games. You need to expand your understanding of the game, Heroes and other random shit before you start spamming your WK or Axe. If you Spam that shit and hit 2k the moment you play another hero you are fucked. Another alternative is Spam WK or axe to learn and gain your MMR. WHen you start to Plateau play other heroes in unranked. GL

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Just spam any hero and learn Dota instead of learning new heroes


                  Ooh cmon, i sucked at hero which required micro skill

                  "Give me a good hero that can gain me mmr, but is easy enough so it's playable by anyone in my bracket and thus doesn't give me mmr"

                  Takiya Genji

                    Finnaly a good answer,sven is commonly used now so ck maybe not an option,and necro seems preety weak against skill-depends heroes(based on my short experiences). gonna try Abba and TA. i've avoid picking axe in ranked because hard to cancel "call" in a proper time, maybe need more train.if enemy pick AM i kinda doubt for picking wk,but maybe you had some advice to go against anti mage as wk?what do you mean about"expand my understanding of the game",are you reffering to laning phase?taking objective?item ability and stats ?heroes skill?

                    Anyway thanks for the answer,really appreciate it.

                    Takiya Genji

                      Lone Druid,Visage,Meepo isnt "easy" to use for me mate ;)


                        I can tell you how I improved from 1.4 to 3,5 in a year.I just spammed ta every game.People there are so dumb they cant do anything against her, even counterpicking(at least thats how it felt back then,2-3 years ago).Ofc dota is totaly different game now, but you can still try this.This stoped working for me at 4k so i spend a year and a half in this bracket enlarging my hero pool.And after all i am still 5k trash...nothing to be proud of, honestly. So you probably better aim some other goals than getting 4-5k in dota.Think about it.


                          spam mid heroes invoker sf and fast games heroes :)

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            High versatility is the road to winning games.
                            You can't win lots of games without knowing how to play every hero.
                            I thought that's obvious.


                              Play Centaur/Axe to get out 1k
                              Then do whatever you want.

                              Player 153433446

                                I spammed sniper from 2k to 3k, then sup/ farm to i watch games to improves...then 5k


                                  To be honest the more you play the more you get better. If 1k is not your bracket you will just naturally climb. Just make yourself a nice hero pool with heroes with high winrates, like 2/3 max per position and just improve your general gameplay.
                                  I'm 3.6k and my mechanics are still really bad, I just have 3k games so I understand the general game better than all the 2ks and under.

                                  If you feel it's not your bracket, always better to pick a hero with a direct impact (solo kill potential or Aoe ability who can change a fight, black hole, berseker call whatever). I pick a hero who can snowball when I'm the highest mmr in my game generally.

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                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      can we have actual questions
                                      you're basically too lazy to find whatever hero that you want to spam or to improve and go ask for some "5up3r s1kr1t m3m3r g4in tr1x" which doesn't exist


                                        play timbersaw

                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                          OP wants to become 4-5k MMR, I was 4.7k MMR trash tops, when I played ranked, but I still feel qualified, hence he set the bar so low.
                                          Here's how I chose the heroes I've played.
                                          It's my personal thought pattern, not a guide, not a manual to follow.

                                          1. Get the most general idea of what you like in a hero, of what you like doing in the game.
                                          a) I like independency in lane, not caring about whoever I play with and not owing anyone anything. Just my personal thing.
                                          Being dependent on someone makes me feel not right and easily tilted. Thus, positions 1 and 5 fall off for me.
                                          I can't play carry, because I would have random supports and they would tilt me. I'd feel helpless and not enjoy the game.
                                          I can't play support pos. 5, because I would feel too much of a fucktoy for my carry, who may be mentally retarded. Again, extreme dependency.
                                          b) I like either killing heroes, ambushing, pushing or dominating in lane. Or even better all of it. I don't like long farming, hitting creeps in lane for 10 minutes straight, etc. Just a personal thing, not about efficiency or whatever. It's what I like as a person.

                                          At this point I know for dead sure, that in almost no game do I want to play hard support or hard carry. Period.
                                          This is permanent, independent of nerfs/buffs to heroes like AM or Medusa, because they feel fundamentally wrong to me.
                                          AM may have 60% average winrate, be super-meta, I still wouldn't play him, because of how much wrong to me it feels to play him.
                                          Same for hard supports.

                                          You are different than me. Use your own brain and think about your own preferences.

                                          2. Now that I have narrowed possible positions to 2, 3 and 4, I would analyze further.
                                          Mid is too contested most of the time and overrated. It's good to play mid, but not quite worth the hassle of dealing with negotiations every game. I want to play a position consistently (again, just my personal thing). I won't be able to consistently play mid, neither is it as rewarding as it seems => I won't play mid 99% of the time and I am sure of it.

                                          3. Cut all hard support heroes, all hard carry heroes and all mid only heroes from Dota. Cut all weak laners. Leave only heroes, who can be position 3 and/or position 4.
                                          This is my possible hero pool. Not my real hero pool, but just a broader pool, from which I may choose heroes to learn further.
                                          Not because it's efficient, not because it's meta. Because I like it that way.

                                          4. Narrow down on complete personal even further. Choose hero pool with the most exacerbated psychologically desired qualities out of the broader potential hero pool (you'll be already down to ~50 heroes at most at this point) you've created. Scrap other heroes, giving yourself inner explainations, why this and why that.

                                          E.g. I scrapped Lone Druid, because he takes too long to come online, despite being a lane dominator and independent hero, I scrapped Doom because I just don't like him (enough of a reason), etc.

                                          Hero by hero, I choose mine.

                                          5. After that you just play your chosen heroes. Search for replays of proficient pub spammers.
                                          Memorize spell CDs, stats, try different builds. Make your own perfect build.
                                          You should easily have 55-60%+ winrate with every such hero with ease.
                                          You wouldn't have any questions to ask anyone at forums at this point.
                                          You wouldn't care about "meta" or patches, as long as they don't change the hero fundamentally to reconsider picking, because of how natural it would feel.

                                          Meta is completely irrelevant in my opinion, unless you're 6k+ or actually earn money by playing Dota, because experience with a weaker heroes offsets inexperience with supposedly broken hero the way I see it and you play for enjoyment.
                                          What's the point of picking boring-ass shit, even if it wins, if you get no profit for it?

                                          The only profit I get is enjoyment of playing what I like to play and it's the basis for what I pick.
                                          It's also my basis for ceasing to play ranked, until I feel I would like to.

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                                            Literally play what you like to play and what you win with.
                                            You don't get paid for Dota, so you didn't sign anywhere to be a meta bitch.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Visita Hari Danta

                                              in the bracket you are you should focus on learning the game instead of winning mmr.

                                              muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                MMR is shit, go get real life. games are just for fun unless you are pro players who get salary

                                                Bob Johnson

                                                  play support

                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                    Real life is dogshit, btw.
                                                    People in the office operate at like 10% efficiency, talk about useless bullshit and scroll social networks most of the time.
                                                    Real good life is when you either trick people into giving you money for some bullshit or when you find something independent to do and get paid for actual skills.

                                                    Dota isn't such a time dumpster, when you consider, how fucking useless and uneducated average human is.
                                                    Do whatever you want to do, whichever brings you enjoyment and money, doesn't go against your inner principles.

                                                    Educate yourself with something actually relevant aside from Dota (not useless shit taught in colleges or w/e, but actual things you could get paid for: foreign language knowledge, applied electronics knowledge, even basic computer assembly skills are things you could get paid for). Do that and you're already better off than most of the unmotivated tards around you.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      Lone Druid,Visage,Meepo isnt "easy" to use for me mate ;)

                                                      It isn't supposed to be easy.
                                                      Climbing isn't supposed to be easy if you can't do it just by playing regularly.

                                                      The reason why hard/unplayed heroes are good for climbing is because they require a bigger time investment to learn and figure out. Once you figure them out, you immediately have an advantage over the average player in your bracket because odds are they don't even know how your hero works, so you can abuse your knowledge and their lack of to win games.

                                                      It's like those people who still have no idea how arc warden's flux works, so they just run away when they get fluxed and die.
                                                      Those same people don't realize that I can reset my bear's root cooldown at lvl 7 so they get double rooted and die in lane.

                                                      You don't want to learn those heroes because they aren't easy for you, but you have to realize nobody else in your mmr wants to learn them for the same exact reason. That's why if you just start learning one of those heroes now, you will find that it will pay off in due time.

                                                      You will eventually find that that difficulty of the hero is that makes it so captivating, and you will be rewarded big time as you enjoy the satisfaction outplaying people because you put time and effort into your hero. Lone Druid literally has the lowest win rate on dotabuff but because of the time and effort I put into playing him I can still make him look broken.

                                                      t. autist who went from 3.3k to 4.5k in exactly one month just from playing lone druid

                                                      E.g. I scrapped Lone Druid, because he takes too long to come online, despite being a lane dominator and independent hero, I scrapped Doom because I just don't like him (enough of a reason), etc.

                                                      People take forever to come online because they don't take advantage of the fact that your main power spike is one level before the power spikes of the majority of the heroes in the game. You can be extremely aggressive and still have really good farm. The skill comes in figuring out how to do exactly both at the same time without dying or wasting time. Like I can be 5-0 and at 10 minutes with only two branches, no boots, midas, stout, qb, and like enough gold to give me a 15 min radiance.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        yeah it is, will go riki only till i hit 5k again

                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                          Then I didn't like the hero enough to give him a second chance.
                                                          Pretty simple.
                                                          I like LD conceptually, but not to a degree, where I'd play him for hundreds of games. That's it.

                                                          May go for a 100 Beastmaster/Enchantress game marathon someday though.
                                                          They suit me far better.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            You are 1k so step 1 is to learn game mechanics.

                                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                                              Ah and about people not knowing what to do, I call that the "No fucking clue"-factor.
                                                              People sometimes have no fucking clue, what they're up against and as a result pick something, that actually doesn't counter you (it counters you in their imagination only), do retarded shit in lane, etc.

                                                              I win like 10% of my games due to this factor only.

                                                              It's not even about MMR, as I've played against 5ks, who would do absurdly retarded shit and feed me on multiple occasions.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                              Takiya Genji

                                                                @Versatile Player

                                                                Thanks for the advice though,i like playin as a hard carry(pos 1) with a fast farming pattern like AM,jugg,wk.
                                                                I've been spamming am before 7.07. So the nerf in the latest patch not affect my gameplay as AM.any advice on using him?l

                                                                Takiya Genji

                                                                  @Versatile Player

                                                                  What about jugg,wk or weaver ?based on my experience jugg kinda suck at late game, wk will lose to manfight pl and ck, and weaver is fucked up if enemy sentry+disable him.

                                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                                    Reread what I've inititally replied to you.
                                                                    I have no idea what should a carry do.
                                                                    0 practise.


                                                                      Clinkz ez mmr,


                                                                        considering you are 1k mmr

                                                                        all you have to do to get to 3k mmr is play with both hands

                                                                        shocking, i know.

                                                                        Takiya Genji


                                                                          is there a people playing dota whom barely touching the keyboard ?
                                                                          even as WK your hand should stand still on Q and the active item

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                                                                            You can buy a mouse with extension buttons.


                                                                              Just like what has been said before in this post, learn the game. The different roles, the different heros, the skills, the effects, the combinations, the TIMING (Eg. when to gank, when to push, when to retreat, when to ward).

                                                                              Another tip is play when you're in a good mood or just feel good. Otherwise you're likely to ruin your own games, and probably not even realize it. If you play while tired and grumpy, do some experiencing. Let the game entertain you and make you happy, instead of grinding and making it all worse.

                                                                              Takiya Genji

                                                                                macro on mouse suck compared to key,
                                                                                for me at least


                                                                                  I'm basically a two/three hero one trick pony player and I personally enjoy climbing and playing with those heroes.
                                                                                  Learning the game is always possible as long as you play actively and pay attention to how the flow is going and not passively and only pay attention to your lane.
                                                                                  Similarly, it's honestly highly dependent on your mindset in general. I come from a RTS background so I enjoy pursuing a mastery over one or two different races/heroes, so it's much easier for me to just grind out games with a small hero pool.
                                                                                  If you're around 1K MMR, I think it's more than fine to find a hero that you really enjoy, pick a specific role, and then just spamming and practicing it out!
                                                                                  It's also not a bad thing to just watch what people use/play their heroes whether it be through pro play or through replays. Of course, that's only if you really are serious about climbing and want to devote your time to it to climb. If you want to just enjoy, then relax and just enjoy the game and build what you want :P

                                                                                  Good luck with the climb!


                                                                                    Here's my take on spamming.

                                                                                    Every team has a brainless hc that right clicks creeps for 30 mins and thinks he's good or something at 3k.

                                                                                    Every team has a braindead mid that thinks he's miracle.

                                                                                    Not every team has a roamer like SB that can help mid lane win, or a support like SS that can zone out enemy offlaner, or a tanky offlaner who builds pipe/greaves and helps win mid-game team fights.

                                                                                    I spam heroes that fulfill these roles, mostly the tanky offlaner role. That way, in all of my games, my team has a reliable offlaner who holds his lane (and more often than not wins the lane), keeps pressure on lanes and makes tons of space, and helps win team fights. More often than not enemy offlaner is a pangolul.


                                                                                      To climb MMR is a grind. Use numbers to your advantage. You don't have to the best player to reach 5k. You just need a >50% win rate, and that's pretty easy to do as long as you spam your strongest hero/role, never throw, and most importantly never tilt (mute those idiots).

                                                                                      Justin Weaver

                                                                                        I spammed od and slark to get to 2k from 1k, it was easy mmr, from 2k onward till 2.5 or something it was pudge, ganked the shit out of enemy midlaner and roamed constantly yielded good result and wins,.from 2.5 to 3k I spammed necro,those were free wins. Anyway pa and barathum are good picks in ,1k bracket since wards are really less and pa is unstoppable most of the part, stay positive and motivate your teammates, you will climb automatically

                                                                                        Takiya Genji


                                                                                          Thanks for the answer m8,

                                                                                          Been trying at those kind of hero you had mention(Axe,BB,dk) but i still prefer to play as pos 1, due to the lack of teamwork(especially in SEA).and if i play as pos 1 like AM, i can join a war or keep rat-ing enemy tower.

                                                                                          Takiya Genji

                                                                                            @Ranger 1082

                                                                                            So its good spamming hero for climb mmr.
                                                                                            I avoided picking PA, she's kinda lame hero for me.gotta give it a try for SB though

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              if you get really good at any hero you can spam it, of course it is better if it is a rare one people most likely do not know how to play against but you can instapick dumb shit every game and still have 60%+ winrate even in your own bracket if you try really hard


                                                                                                Lack of teamwork is a big reason to play offlane.

                                                                                                I wish my Tide could lane solo against a AM or slark. I'd rip that guy a new poophole.


                                                                                                  How can you ask for heroes to get to 4-5k with when you can't win regular normal skill games


                                                                                                    Hey play all random heroes and suit the role or adjust accordingly to suit the team.. Like me 😂😙 just having fun

                                                                                                    Paksit- giti

                                                                                                      git gud