General Discussion

General DiscussionAM unkillable in late game

AM unkillable in late game in General Discussion

    80% Spell shield resistance?? Plus with the natural magic resistance. Are you kidding me? He's literally ANTI-MAGIC. You're f**ked if you let this guy free farm. No more high ground shrines means he can stand in front of towers and just needs to build armor/stat items to melt those things.

    Nerf it please.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      I knew it was the most bullshit talent out there as soon as I saw it.


        He actually has something like 57% winrate. It’s only a very small sample size at the moment but he’s one of the top heroes in terms of winrate. And also pushing the top pick rate atm (just behind the two new heroes and the typical Pudge/sniper/PA/invoker spam).

        Looks like the patch to turn AM from merely the most irritating hero to play with/against into one of the most cancer has finally arrived.


          Plus AEON disk could be his go-to mechanic against LC and BS. WTF man


            If you rupture him he can now blink with no damage. WTF?


              If you duel him, 2.5 sec of the duration of duel is useless since both of you deal 0 dmg to each other. I smell bullcrap


                I mean halving any magic damage taken is already hard to deal with. Do you really need even more insurance if that's not enough for you?


                  If you get Berserk-called by Axe, all of its duration is useless. Lol wtf is this madness.


                    the only way to deal is playing viper semi-carry against him!

                    (befor he gets bkb)

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      you just buy nullifier bloodthorn difussal abyssal on slark and solo kill him any stage of the game


                        Viper sounds a nice counter though but a very niche pick.


                          Pick clinks rat doto best doto



                            Times change!

                            he was carry once but now in my opinion he can be speller ,support,semi-carry

                            also you can use ROD,kaya,meteor hammer for him.He can be really annoying support in this patch.

                            edit:also blink+mirror image will fuck up most of the games.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              or silver edge on any of your nuker

                              i just destroy an AM with SF by just silveredge eblade agh ultimate after he blinks in

                              AM actually seems extremely suceptible to heavy magical damage if silver edged or otherwise broken.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Rat with clinkz against an AM? Not convincing. Better get naga siren against him 6 slotted siren should be able to win against him I think.


                                  Just silver edge him, it’s not like he’s just going blink away (leaving a 10 second auto attacking illusion) and then renegage 5 seconds later once the break wears off.

                                    Yorum silindi

                                      I think its pretty rare to see 6-slotted naga this recent patches. Im pretty sure AM gets six slotted way earlier than a naga. Heck, I only played 2 times against a 6-slotted naga in 2017, she's still very annoying to deal with in the late game but that rarely happens with the current patch focused on snowballing and grouping up to win. Turtle strats dont work most of the time since 90% of the current hero pool can transition to late game already because of the talent changes. Most notably Arc, Slark and Alch who thrived in mid game dominance because their networth is far ahead against other powerfarm cores. I dont see these heroes being at advantage against other carries unless the circumstances align for them.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        lol @ people thinking an AM would ever buy an Aeon Disk :')

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          leaving a 10 second auto attacking illusion

                                          I'm unsure whether this ability is better than the -1s blink

                                          Don't get me wrong I think it is a decently powerful talent
                                          But the blink cd as well


                                            I think it takes one YouTube video to release that idea (Aeon Disk on AM) for it to break out and cause cancer.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              The uncontrollable illusion makes your creep killing faster


                                                @Feng Xue'er

                                                And also ratting too! You blink out while ratting and the illusion's buffs will help in pushing i guess

                                                Rektdalf the White

                                                  It does

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    you just buy nullifier bloodthorn difussal abyssal on slark and solo kill him any stage of the game

                                                    you're picking one of the worst hero in the game right now, which also gets countered by this utterly cancerous hero, what could go wrong?

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      Just silver edge him, it’s not like he’s just going blink away (leaving a 10 second auto attacking illusion) and then renegage 5 seconds later once the break wears off.

                                                      You're more retarded than I thought


                                                        Im actually hyped to start playing again once the update comes out.

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          what is physical damage :thinking:


                                                            pa??? plus axe or bane???

                                                            󠀀󠀀 󠀀󠀀

                                                              huskar mage lmao


                                                                Should build a pipe aswell on am for that sweet ~95% magic ressistance.


                                                                  Yea I miss the old huskar


                                                                    well you need to lock him down of course if you are silver edging him before he uses blink.



                                                                      Viper 2nd skill?

                                                                      Yung Beethoven

                                                                        U all guys do forget that this talent is at lvl 25, where its already going into the late game (most of the time), where magic dmg gets less and less important since it doesnt scale into the late, while disable, which was always the reason a lategame AM died, is still as good as it was.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          eh there are some very strong lategame nukers still (who get stronger with high level talents/items), like lion (ultimate lategame hits ~1600 AOE) or SF, so the silver edge break idea isn't entirely moot.
                                                                          Especially considering that Lategame AM will have very large armor/evasion.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          Yung Beethoven

                                                                            Lion is a strong nuker??? his ult does with agha 1025dmg. With basic magic resistance thats 768 effective dmg. Now almost every team has at least a pipe by that point. so the dmg goes even lower.
                                                                            Now consider that in the lategame (till lion hits 25) almost every core has at least 2.8 - 3k HP. meaning thats lions ULTIMATE destorys almost 1/4 hp of the enemy core.
                                                                            Now reconsider. Is magic dmg really good in the lategame? Espcially with all the pipes, glimmers, bkbs, linkens, lotus etc.

                                                                            Now if you think about a real nuker, its tinker. But what killed AM was not tinkers nukes, but tinkers permanent hex.

                                                                            Disable him is how you kill AM, not nukes.

                                                                            Wake up guys.



                                                                              aeon disk is god awful simply because it takes up an entire slot. it also doesn't stop duel/taunt/rupture or many other things that catch antimage.

                                                                              furthermore, it only applies the strong dispel once. EVEN if the AM has 100% hp, you only need to do 20% damage before you can disable him.

                                                                              Plenty of heroes are capable of doing this.

                                                                              - and on a different topic. the uncontrollable illusion is completely dogshit. it's marginally annoying when people are chasing you, but if you get your first blink off, 9 times of 10 you've already escaped, so they will just kill your singular illusion and move on.

                                                                              as for farming, since you can't control it, you need to BE AT wherever you want it to farm. seeing as you normally blink into camps, you're already waiting for blink CD to continue, and leaving early for an illusion to finish isn't going to help at all.

                                                                              and if you do this in a lane, you're just going to miss CS cuz 1 illusion sucks and you can't even last hit properly with it.


                                                                                Late game AM is hard to take down. Nukes have never worked well at this state. You need to silence/stun lock him down to right click him to death. There are few other options... And have ever been. Best to work fast and early and take away the space AM needs to farm. So he won't get to that 6-slotted place where he is next to unstoppable.


                                                                                  IDC I PICK SB

                                                                                  run down entire enemy team
                                                                                  ward jungle charge when splitpush ЕТО ГГ


                                                                                    Manta Dodge charge?
                                                                                    Also magic dmg isn't that bad in the late game, another way to fuck necro, and shit like pugna


                                                                                      lion with aghanim, talent and some items hits like 1700. Also Veil adn Eblade exist.
                                                                                      but yeah ofc its the disable that counts.


                                                                                        I don't think it's possible to manta dodge charge. The "hit" aoe is too large, that no matter how you time it you're going to get hit.

                                                                                        MAYBE it's possible if he has the speed talent, but I haven't tested it.

                                                                                        Oh, and I'm SURE that Lion just *totally* destroys an Anti-Mage....

                                                                                        598 damage from a Aghs,Eblade,Dagon5 lion... Super scary guys. :thinking:

                                                                                        I forgot to add in veil, then it deals 766 damage. That's still a fucking tickle for an end-game antimage when a Lion somehow has 19k networth just on those items LUL

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          the comments from 2-3k's are the best here xD

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            Right clickers with mkb duh, they do pure dmg, attack really fast, physical dmg fucks him anyway. Get a bunch of disablers and abysal blades + mkb.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              trying to kill antimage with magical damage in 2017

                                                                                              have you not learned anything from 15 years of dota


                                                                                                @Marlan you forgot to break the antimage (Lion with Silver Edge), which is the entire idea of this...

                                                                                                Lion can burst for over 5000 HP on the AM with full items, but lion will never have these items in a real game so lets keep the number at a cool 3000. Yeah just tested (idk how to get the activity log lmao) it hits ~3k on a piped but broken antimage.

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                  mkb is only 3/4 as useful as it was before.

                                                                                                  hitting an antimage with a butterfly with an mkb for example would mean you hit 91% of the time, not 100%. Not enormous, but still something to consider.


                                                                                                    as for the silver edge, firstly its only 3940 damage

                                                                                                    secondly, if you let a lion gets SOMEHOW gets silver edge, aghanims, eblade, veil and dagon 5

                                                                                                    you done fucked up. also, you abyssal+manta combo that fucker and he just nuked his whole team for 2000+ damage. he has no escapes so he can't do shit.

                                                                                                    and thirdly - if a lion builds that dogshit build. all antimage does is buy pipe and your combo is useless. plus if he buys linkens or aghs, you're liable to just get abyssalled and killed anyways.

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                      could have sworn it was more than 4k when we take teh spell amplification and magic weakness into account, but okay.

                                                                                                      he does have silver edge to wait for am to jump somebody else and then do the combo but yeah i mean im just doing this for fun too everyone gets to have fun right?

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                        you can't have refresher orb unless you don't have boots. in that case your theory crafting is retarded.

                                                                                                        might as well tell me 6 divines can 1 shot someone. cool story.