General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to offlane in 4k?

How to offlane in 4k? in General Discussion
i am death

    Hi guys! I always play offlane in rank match but suddenlt it turns out I cant handle the lane. haha can someone give me tips in playing offlane role without feeding?


      How about keeping an eye on the minimap to see how many enemies are missing? That should keep you from dying to ganks less often. A ward in their jungle would help too, so you can see em coming and run the fuck away.

      If you're not dying to that, how about not overextending and making sure you're in a decent position to run away when you get hit by the safe lane heroes' CC? Better yet, pay attention to their cast ranges and make sure you have regen/armor/ms to survive their harass.

      Дима Смирнов

        Stop picking bristleback


          It's impossible. People will focus the off laners instead of the mid lane heroes, god knows why...


            ward to spot supports rotation. or use ward to block camp can help. below 4k u dont need to block camps i feel. learn to spot when their supports are out of position to harass the safelane core and keep support in lane.

            theres probably no point contesting if they have a strong safelaner like ursa or necro

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              depends why you feed if you start feeding
              if you take a load of the safelane carry's xp and gold with denies and make him use salves and clarities it will prevent him from becoming big if he has no flash farm options(like sven or luna for example)

              also you should increase the stress levels of every one of safelaners(not only the carry but the supps too) what should prevent them from ganking your mid and safelaner who are higher than you are on the priority to farm

              bristle is very situational to be used as a offlaner nowadays, the main part of the safelaners have a lot of armor or a lich to armer them up in the lane so your damage is not that high in the laning phase with your W skill but maxing your q would also mean that you need more mana and it would take a huge part of your survivability with your E skill

              I would say that in this patch even necro is a better offlaner than bristle except if you have really high magical nukes against you

              the best would still be sth like a phoenix, panda, void, clock, axe and slardar, try to avoid bristle for now, at least until the next patch


                oh yeah, the reason why the games are turning harder is that the supports in that mmr range you are currently against start learning how to properly support:
                -zoning your offlaner
                -keeping the creeps from pushing in the tower(which is free xp for the offlaner)
                -rotating/pulling only when the safelaner is out of danger
                -everything about babysitting the safelane carry

                there are even in the 4k range of mmr people who never played a support properly in their life, you can spot them if you pick a mid or a safelaner and they are forced to play a support
                they will pick a really high dmg output hero with no stuns that needs a setup like pudge, kunkka, maybe even silencer and mirana and will basicaly play like a carry who buys wards
                the best among them will pick sth like an earthshaker or earthspirit(the 2 ES) to at least have some stuns but that happens very rare in bellow 4k


                  Not sure how the 4k bracket looks like nowadays (I played at 4.5k 2y ago), but you should always buy a tp & tp to the lane to place a ward. Any decent support player will just rush to block you from placing it & deward you, so you want to tp as fast as possible. You shouldn't be also too much focused on getting farm/xp from there. If there is clearly nth u can do (totally outzoned), just don't be afraid to gank other lanes or jungle or even ask your mid to give you his lane to catch up (of course if he has a hero like SF, who can jungle).


                    buying your own wards might help, if supports dont want to give u

                    i am death

                      THANKS FOR THE TIPS GUYS!

                      Potato Marshal

                        Stop maxing out quill spray at level 13-14.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          my god that skill build

                          meteor hammer

                            pick cw that heroes super strong and fun also cogs is insane early for both creep block and laning

                            meteor hammer

                              cw powa wow!!!

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^I love how you played one game of roaming support clock, then figured out that clock is a great hero that you can play well, and then continued to play him offlane.


                                  Clock underlord necro axe is what feels strong to me these days.
                                  Also Legion, but thats a personal preference probably


                                    Axe offlane is basically Axe jungle.

                                    No semi-decent supports will let a Axe lane and go head-to-head against the hc.