General Discussion

General DiscussionBanning System in AP should ban all nominations

Banning System in AP should ban all nominations in General Discussion

    Why do only half of ban picks actually get banned? Why cant each player have the right to straight out ban a hero? Thoughts anyone?

    < blank >

      play captain's mode then duh


        I would agree with this, so that op shit heroes like necro could be left out of the game


          No lol
          This way no one will ever pick arc in my games


            Dude, I agree


              Right? I would play captains mode if only there wasnt a 10 minute queue time. Im so tired of playing with and against the same heroes every time haha

              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                Actually, you can get captains mode games in a relatively toxic-free environment.

                Join SEA Inhouse League. They play weeknights and weekends. I have played a couple of games and it's a great experience even if you end up losing. There's certainly more communication and cooperation compared to a typical pub. Plus you get to apply your game knowledge to the drafting phase.

                Think of it as a FPL-lite for us plebs lul.


                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Terrible idea. People usually play all pick expecting to get their hero regardless of the situation. This would just remove heros from the pool for way too long.

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    AM and bs would be permabanned from 1k to 4k lmao


                      would this mean i wouldn't ever have to play against sven again?


                        the real problem is the level you can actually can start playing ranked imo it should be way higher than the required level it is at now

                        meteor hammer

                          id never get to play tinkeru fuck

                          Dire Wolf

                            Cus if it wasn't random you could ban your counter every game, and op heroes you'd never get to play. Like I always ban necro right now cus I hate him, but it's not fair to people who want to play it.