General Discussion

General DiscussionWill Doom get a buff?

Will Doom get a buff? in General Discussion

    It is sad to see that Doom has gotten out of meta for a long time, although lately he's been played several times in the tournament.

    I personally think that Doom is pretty bad right now even with the Devour talent that could give him a lot of gold but still cannot be played as a carry with such terrible attack speed and armor gain (even with radiance he's still very squishy). His skillset that forces him to chase enemy is pretty annoying to me, it made him pretty easy to be kited.

    What do you guys think about Doom in this meta right now? And what do you guys think would be the nerf/buff he would get?


      the hero isn't bad, it's just that everything else is better

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        People should:
        Stop maxing devour
        Get the HP talent instead
        Lane with lich
        Now the hero is good.

        low prio master

          Yes he will get buff.


            I dont think he needs a buff, but i would be happy with it.

            one of my favourite heros

            with some buffs i might start spamming him, since i can play offlane or roaming

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              "NatrisK 13 hours ago
              It is sad to see that Doom has gotten out of meta for a long time, although lately he's been played several times in the tournament."

              that simply doesnt make sense. just some heroes can never be good in certain brackets, no matter if he is on the meta or not. for ex heroes like doom with a rly strong and long cd ult will never be good in lower brackets, since your team must know when and how to play around doom when you have ult and use that advandage and know how to play when doom is on cd, same thing for enigma, tide, ect. hero is rly good actually in the meta , rly strong lane presence and scales good without taking to much space for farm from your cores cause of devour.

              Dire Wolf

                Any hero that lanes with lich is good.

                Just give him like +2 starting armor and call it a day.

                Player 281121816

                  Why do u think doom is carry in the 1st place?

                  Dire Wolf

                    He's not, but he can't offlane well cus 0 armor means he dies any time scorched earth is off cd and it's a long cd, he can't jungle well cus again 0 armor but more importantly very low dps with his attack time, so he gets less benefit out of quelling blade/iron talon. He used to do ok in jungle cus of devour but then jungle got nerfed so each individual creep nets less, thus devour nets less than before. He can't lane support cus he's melee with zero disables. Mid doom would just get builled out like offlane. So he has no good lane.

                    Ideally with his play style he'd be like an offlane to pressure enemies like bristle kind of or he'd jungle and get fast blink or whatever. He just needs some tweaks.

                    Back in the day you could sort of play him as a carry cus you could jungle a fast midas and then with that and devour his gold gain was super high, so no he didn't do as much right click as other carries but he could get items fast. Bat nerf killed that.


                      Doom could use some more armor, and a general buff to his W spell. As of right now, it sucks on every level. Stupidly high CD. I mean compare it to Ember spirits flame guard and its vastly inferior IMO.

                      I think if you gave him a bit more armor, and buffed W slightly, ( so it had a bit higher uptime or lower CD between uses) then it could make him a viable choice.