General Discussion

General Discussionnecrophos first item

necrophos first item in General Discussion

    Necrophos first item?(carry build) go early aghs too hard cause too expensive(I think), any options?

    Potato Marshal

      Aghs is a terrible first Necro item, all it does is lower the cooldown and has a terrible build-up. People don't even build around his ult like before. Just go for tank items like pipe and atos, and damage items like veil and radiance. Blink and force staffs are also good too.

      Riguma Borusu

        Early aghs is shit. Get it later. So the first item can be either of those:

        -Mek: Yes, mek on a carry is generally weird nowadays, but aside from the fact that necro has a side benefit to it, he also has a mana pool to support it, and it is really really good for pushing, and GG boots are really good on this hero if you go with early five man, if you are playing in an uncoordinated pub, skip it, it is not worth it, if you are knocking at your opponent's T3s with veno + necro at 18 minutes, get it, it's great
        -Veil: Both an offensive and defensive item, gets the kill treshold of enemies way lower and provides you hp and armor
        -Blink or force staff: Allows you to initiate and sometimes run away
        -Hood: Building a casual hood is good because it allows you to sustain a lot of magic damage, even when you make yourself weaker to it by using shroud, most people build at least hood on this hero in order not to die to random bursts of magic damage (since they already have solution for physical damage in ghost shroud), if you are pushing against heroes with magical wave clear (kotl for example), you may even want to complete a pipe
        -Atos: An amazing item for necro, lets you keep people in place if necessary, and the stats are just too good, as well as the buildup, it isn't exactly cheap, but the buildup makes it seem cheap

        However, getting to whatever big items you want still requires you to complete boots of choice. Literally all boots work on necrophos (including tranquils), but you normally want either treads or phase (sometimes even arcanes if you are going early GG boots to finish early).

        You also want a magic wand, it's godly on this hero, you should literally never skip magic wand on necro and medusa.

        Necro, even when played as a carry, doesn't really build damage per se, he's a hero that deals more damage the longer he stays alive in the fight, so while it might be good to get dagon and ethereal blade some games, a lot of the time, just staying alive (and keeping your team alive) in fights might be more beneficial, so you have to center your builds around that idea, and the first item you get doesn't necessarily have to be obviously high impact (like aghs), necro can afford to get some cheap tanky items to keep himself and his team alive and win fights. Do not feel too pressured to buy expensive items on this hero first, because you'll be a sitting duck for a while, so instead of winning fights, you'll be farming a 4k gold item that doesn't make your life that much easier if you get it early.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          treads veil dagon is the build matumbaman won his tournaments with


            don't be like slacks, don't rush aghs.

            veil is nice. good early armor and stats for cheap. also like early force staff.


              Then either veil, hood, force, mek, atos, blink, blademail


                slack doesnt rush aghs.

                i watched a stream lately where he went naked dagon 5

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  i prefer treads>veil>forcestaff/hood>radiance/aghs>octa core/shiva


                    threads ! (level 10 +40 dmg you need as )


                      When do u go orb of venom on necro?
                      I've seen it in high MMR matches but why and when?

                      Dire Wolf

                        Armor is really good on necro, and stats, that's why mek is still quite good on him as a carry. Blade mail is also an option, decent stats for the money and will dissuade people from attacking you so you can get more pulses off.

                        Shivas is really good but for early just getting a casual plate mail makes you super tanky.

                        Potato Marshal

                          I really dislike mek, the mana cost is so high, even for heroes without mana problems, not to mention the huge cooldown. Plus you feel obligated to go greaves eventually if you go mek, and that's 1700 gold for the recipe alone, that's also not factoring in the fact that you also go arcanes instead, which by itself isn't very good compared to treads or even phase.


                            Nobody mentioned midas? IMO, it helps get radiance and aghs a bit quicker especially when you're anticipating a longer game.

                            I also like arcane boots. Pop shroud, Q, and arcane boots and your entire team goes from 25% hp and 0 mana to 75% hp and 50% mana. It seems like shroud buffs arcane boots or else I'm seeing stuff again.

                            I hadn't thought of getting rod of atos, but I think I might start trying that. It has a nice buildup and seems like it'd make it almost certain you can get your ult off on fleeing heroes.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Riguma Borusu

                              Shroud doesn't amplify the restoration (mana/hp) of allies, only of yourself. Also, midas is mostly shit on this hero, you can use those 2k gold to get an actual item that lets you win fights, it's a waste to spend 2k gold for basically attack speed on a hero that both farms well, pushes lanes well, and doesn't necessarily right click all that much.

                              @Potato Marshal: Yes, mek is definitely debatable, it's pretty situational, not something you'd get every game.


                                Wow, just tested in practice lobby and....I'm blown away. It always seemed like shroud amplified healing of an ally if done by Necrophos. It doesn't say anything about that in the spell description (regular or alt-hover). :sadface:

                                And yes, I suppose most of a rod of atos, veil, or force staff will be more beneficial early on to get a better advantage early on.

                                I'll have to re-think arcane boots. Seems like I never have any mana problems with it, whatsoever. I guess the 490 hp/mana for killing a hero and 49 hp/mana for a creep really helps keep him alive with plenty of mana during fights, especially around creep waves where you inevitably get last hits on creeps with his Q. Thinking about it more, seems like phase boots would be best because I seem to have a movespeed problem sometimes and I can't seem to justify an early BoT on him.

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Necrophos ghost shroud description isn't very clear, but it just means that any form of healing, including from just regen that Necro receives gets amplified. I really like picking healers like Treant if I have a Necro on my team since ghost shroud is so strong that Necro is nearly unkillable.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    Wand to veil to blademail/rod to dagon/radiance before aghs, if you're even getting aghs, I'm finding it to be more and more situational, you could get some team utility instead of a KS stick

                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                      getting early aghs is okay now i think since they nerfed the ult cd


                                        wand - veil - rad - needed item

                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                          Just get the damn midas you really need that radiance


                                            it depends on the lane you are in and match up you are against.

                                            hood-->veil is pretty legit


                                              An underrated component of Grieves is the ability to dispel silences and other debuffs. Also shroud amplifies the mana gained from arcanes/grieves so those boots allow you to be a lot more spammy with spells and cover the mek mana cost.

                                              Blink is also amazing as both a way to guarantee you get in range for a scythe (since necro is bloody slow) and as an escape when combed with shroud.

                                              Aghs is something you get mid-lategame if you don't need any other immediate items (eg pipe, grieves, etc)


                                                Radiance necro isn't godtier
                                                It feels super situational, if ur winning u want to just buy dagon and delete people, if ur losing more u want a defensive item
                                                I just mean idk how to fit it in the build
                                                Midas is shit

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Just buy w/e on this braindead hero and it will be fine tbh.


                                                    Radiance is usually the option if u need damage. Not Dagon. Although Dagon is pretty good on the hero.

                                                    Yea he can build pretty much anything. That's why he's so broken.

                                                    If you're not sure what to get, get some defensive tAnk item, dmg item, positioning item. Veil blademail/gg/lotus/Shi vas, force staff/blink, Dagon/aghs/radiance

                                                    Can't go wrong with first item veil.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      radi is garbage

                                                      midas is garbage

                                                      agh veil treads/ phase dagon 5 bkb are best items

                                                      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵



                                                          handgun to kill urself




                                                              Of course it always depends on the other heroes on your team and the enemy team, but most of my games i go: Wand, Phase, Veil, Dagger, Aghs

                                                              lone dog

                                                                Early MIDAS wins games.

                                                                Midas = more money = more items to destroy the enemy ancient.
                                                                It's so simple.


                                                                  Wow so many necro pocket
                                                                  Im gonna learn all necro build and counter it


                                                                    Midas = not abusing ur power spikes = less likely to destroy ancient


                                                                      So many options, I'll try

                                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                                        radiance is a power spike u caveman

                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                          it is unreliable to trust your teammates. playing the farm game is the most consistent way to get wins. so easy.


                                                                            naked boot into dagon 5


                                                                              get shadow blade after a few dagon upgrade


                                                                                Just buy w/e on this braindead hero and it will be fine tbh.


                                                                                  I don't understand if radiance is that bad then why do so many 6.5k-8k playerd build it.

                                                                                  At my low mmr rating games i go radiance because trying to convince my team to help we get kills or group as 5 to get objective is hard so might as well secure late game.
                                                                                  How ever iam trying to get out of the habit of Midas and just get better at laning.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    It's still quite possible to lose on necro, just start 0-6 xD and build shitty items to boot.

                                                                                    This guy finished hood, then built an entire orchid before finishing pipe. Vs a tinker, es, jakiro team.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Is there any proof that a midas improves necro's GPM? For a lot of heroes that have any sort of spammable AoE, it's actually the other way around. I am pretty sure getting an earlier blink to farm faster will net more gpm and xpm than midas.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Well it is going to improve gpm on the scoreboard but may not improve item timings as you spent 2k gold on midas.

                                                                                        However I think the justification is most heroes need dps items to farm, necro doesn't as he spams aoe spell dmg. So going midas doesn't gimp his dps like going midas on idk wraith king or spectre.