General Discussion

General DiscussionProbably the longest mute i ever received - 336 hours

Probably the longest mute i ever received - 336 hours in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    You can be muted from chat for being disruptive? But every large chat channel is just bots advertising booster services.


      What did you do? The longest I've ever hard was 168.


        yep i dont know , i didnt even talk that much i think it was a manual ban tbh , i was just fooling around the chat with a couple of guys saying memes and i got this. xD


          nothing in particular man , i wasnt even banned from talking in english i only talked in romanian lol

          BSJ. LGD

            longest i got was a week. you really fucked up some where


              i had 7 days mute 2 times and i tho i was only
              but 330) hours LMAO


                ur muted cause 2k mmr in 2k games feelsbadman


                  actually muted cause im 3k in 3k games but , 3k and 2k are same shit lmao

                  and it apparently doesnt affect my abbility to talk in-game for some strange reason , im able to talk in-game but not on global chats and stuff



                    JUST SPAM ANTI AND U GET 3500 SOON