General Discussion

General DiscussionFastest way of dropping behavior score without going into lp?

Fastest way of dropping behavior score without going into lp? in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    It's getting to the point where my entire team consists of players with only 10-20 matches played. There is no way that 90% of the players out there are new smurf accounts. I'm playing with people who calibrated here with only 3-4 matches played then decide to start the game with no regen and a wand then call gg before the first creep wave even dies.

    Riguma Borusu

      Pretty sure you should just flame and incessantly ping people all the time and you're set, it's likely to net you reports, but probably not enough for lpq.

      chicken spook,,,,

        Spam ping
        Trashtalk all chat

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          u can leave one game without going into lp so for sure u should do that :P

          Riguma Borusu

            ^every 25 games

            Potato Marshal

              Bleh, another game with a new smurf Slark feeding non-stop and diving alone. Luckily I was solo offlane Lich against an AM with no support, so AM got tilted enough that he started feeding himself and dropping their team's wards in our base and afking in front of our towers.


              Potato Marshal

                I'm a pretty huge asshole in chat all the time, a lot of what I say would probably get me banned here, but my bs still keeps going up. I've literally asked people to report me, but my conduct report only shows that I have 3 reports at most from my recent matches.

                Potato Marshal

                  Our last 2 games together were so embarrassing, everybody afk jungling alone while every lane was pushed in, nobody tping to defend, everybody just walking into the enemy jungle alone with no vision trying to gank. Creep waves piling up at T2s while the rest of the team thinks that they can solo kill enemy heroes at full health.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    I abandoned and now 3000 behaviour score

                    Potato Marshal

                      I unintentionally abandoned a few times in a row a month or two ago and dropped to low 7k bs. But now it keeps climbing back up, it's already at high 9k now.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        ....But why play pubs?


                          It doesn't ever climb back up quick enough for me though. Unless I play support. Rofl


                            U probably play a lot of support. Just first pick hard carries and that should be good enough. You'd get reported enough to lower bs but not enough to get lp

                            ANDREW TATE

                              I got.a behaviour score of 251. Is it good or bad?

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                ^have you tried turning on your brain?

                                ANDREW TATE

                                  Is the lower the score the better it is? Or is it the other way? Anyone explains


                                    Depends on what you want

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      a few abbandons can fix that rly quick XD. jsut dont abbandon 2-3 times in a row cause you will get low priority, if you abbandon -3-4 i between 10-15 games, only will lower your bs, mine droped from 9.5 to 5,4 recently cause of that .

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        I want teammates who can pick more than 20 heroes, so I want a lower bs.


                                          How can i see my behavior stat ?
                                          This stat affect only pub or also ranked?
                                          Where i can read a deep guide about that?

                                          Forget me not

                                            @Lesbolas ,Use console command to see your behavior score. The new implementation of bs is that new player will be matchmaked with a high bs player so they will get a nice teammate and didn't demotivate them in playing the game


                                              Solution 1, download pubg then play with me xD


                                                Im pretty sure if u pick jungle first pick u got 4 report

                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                  Only some people know this, but you can abandon ONE game in a week and you won't get LP.
                                                  So solution is to abandon once every week, if you really want what you want.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    Why dont you stop being a fool and play ranked ?
                                                    Problem solved
                                                    Is the risk of losing your trashy flat 5k solo actually worth playing horrible quality games, just so you can feel like slightly less
                                                    of a small man with your blue star on dotabuff?

                                                    You decide bro!

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      stop playing nmm


                                                        This guy doesn't want to lose his flat 5k because if he goes down with 3 points he has no blue star anymore.

                                                        But then on the other hand he complains about new players in his normal matchmaking games lmfao.


                                                          ^lmfao exactly,
                                                          Heheheh GuyS Why is normal matchmaking so bad heehheheheheh XD
                                                          let me talk about how bad normal matchmaking is because i am knowledgeable and cool, did you see my blue star btw ? hehe XD
                                                          Hehehe Wow my teams have low hero pools, I cant understand why hehehe XD
                                                          Did i mention i have a blue star guys? Did you see ? XD

                                                          The DarKNovA

                                                            So having high behaviour score is bad? Because I have 9.9k+ atm, and every second game I have a team with at least one intentional feeder or full on from beginning flamer.
                                                            Or if I play IT rank, it's 2k+ higher average MMR enemy for some reason, and 5man versus my 2man+1 team.
                                                            Genuine question: is it worth shaving down our behaviour score?


                                                              ^yes the good bs is around 7k

                                                              The DarKNovA

                                                                Thanks, that explains a lot.