General Discussion

General DiscussionI have a few awful questions

I have a few awful questions in General Discussion

    I'm kinda unsure about some stuff and the efficiency of some things.

    When should you sell blink in the late game? I've played a few games where i've liked blink on Alch, but he gets too slot starved and can get more items easily, would you ever sell blink on sven? Etc

    Farming and cooldowns.
    Say you're alch, and you wouldn't need to ulti to farm, but it would speed it up with the base attack time (assuming you have high hp and mana and won't take much damage from creeps) would it be worth it to? The downtime is decently high, and if a teamfight happens you might not have it up. Same with ember (i mean with flame guard)

    Mid lane: Ember flame guard question, what is the reason for using flame guard a lot? It pushes the wave, but helps you last hit and could put some damage into the enemy mid, would that be worth it?

    That's all kinda embarrassing questions coz it seems basic but yea idk im just curious about this and the efficiency.

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      1. if you need an item you don't sell it.
      2. yes, obviously, if you're not planning to fight after the cooldown you obviously want to be in ult as much as possible.


      ember on the other hand needs 1 remnant to be safe, he doesn't kill creeps with the remnant itself ._.

      heavy pushing is more important than having all 3 remnants for a fight.

      because if you don't push, you'll never create opportunities for good teamfights, all the teamfights you'll take will be in the opponents favor.

      3. ember flame guard to push wave and then farm in the later stages, but in the early stages you can run the opponent to farm under tower while you grab runes, gank or just in general for a more guaranteed farm.

      this makes it so that the enemy can miss LH under tower and eventually have to waste gold for regen.

      also if you don't do it then the enemy can harass you easily because you're a melee hero, as the opponent has nothing better to do.

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      meteor hammer

        keep in mind u can always use ur blink then swap it out for a backpack item if you are that rich

        Riguma Borusu

          I am pretty sure you sell blink at the point your team has enough (counter) initiation and you freely siege the high ground. Blink won't help you much because you're frontlining (meaning it's likely to keep getting sent on cooldown anyways), so having something like an AC is better in general. But if the enemy team has more (counter) initiation, you still need the blink, and also to stand back and wait for them to initiate, then be the one who counterinitiates with blink+bkb. All this being said, if you DO have a free slot, having blink is almost always useful, so I presume that the issue is that you are out of slots.

          TL;DR: If you need it don't sell it, as cuki said

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Flame guard is good
            I like
            Me likey ember
            Gut hero

            i have 5 reports to use

              You sell boots before blink kid