General Discussion

General DiscussionWrote a poem on Cookie

Wrote a poem on Cookie in General Discussion

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        lmao xD


          is english ur first language btw bc this looks garbage

          Giff me Wingman

            I'm on the fucking floor ROFL.

            Riguma Borusu

              have you considered euthanasia I hear it's pretty good

              Potato Marshal
                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                  "Talks wonderfully like drake"
                  Oh god

                  Potato Marshal

                    So is he actually coaching you, or is this just some kind of weird homo-erotic fantasy of yours?

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      I don't like using the word "cringe" because I think that the word itself is "cringey" but I believe that this word sumps up this post just fine.



                        xd rofl

                        how can u guys worship cuki hes only 18 year old bosnian kid hes not God


                          i think cuki will be given dotabuff moderator soon

                          me, government hooker


                            wake up :)

                              Dab on em haters

                              Player 404335202



                                  It's actually pretty good lol xd

                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                    isnt op one of ur smurfs? @sia


                                      I cant put 2 sentences together in form of poetry. Lies

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        Sia is secretly an Indian

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Chinese comic name?


                                              I'm still the champ it seems


                                                Roses are red
                                                Flowers are in different colors
                                                Cookie guide making him 20 thousand dollars

                                                I lied i can

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Roses are red
                                                  Violets are dope
                                                  I'll stick it in your ass
                                                  Even if you say nope

                                                  getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                    Who tf posts pics of themselves on their steam accounts in 2017


                                                      hanter, benao and OP

                                                      guess what tehy have in common :thinking:

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        SEA-tards love treating their Steam profiles like Facebook because they think they can actually get laid on Steam. Why can't they just use anime profile pictures like us other Asians?


                                                          Thanks for all the support! I just got the poem in my mind and typed it immediately


                                                            btw whats so gay in that? Cookie's just a good friend who helps me get better at dota

                                                            getting bj'ed and distracted
                                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                "strong as a brick"
                                                                im leaving

                                                                  Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                    what do you do vs a team actively trying to shut you down? as in, they counterpick, give you the worst dual offlane imaginable(weaver + undying) your team feeds the other two lanes, the enemy wards your jungle and camps out in it while morph splitpushes and gets eblade?

                                                                    I went talon -> jungle after spending all my regen getting lasthits, the enemy didn't try and take the tower early so I couldn't last hit by T2.

                                                                    Then I got 4 man ganked because they dewarded us.

                                                                    what could I have done?



                                                                      thread jacking at its finest


                                                                        Roses are red
                                                                        Violets are blue
                                                                        When pornhub is down
                                                                        This will do !

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          Why can't they just use anime profile pictures like us other Asians?

                                                                          mine is reserved for stale memes, sorry

                                                                          Pump Cultist

                                                                            gOd iS dEaD

                                                                            getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                              My comment got deleted :thinking:

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                can any1 transcribe it to copypaste-able text?


                                                                                  I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.

                                                                                  Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                    I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.


                                                                                      I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.