General Discussion

General Discussionwhat are some monkey king tips you guys acquired?

what are some monkey king tips you guys acquired? in General Discussion

    Any surprising item build or skill build or unknown mechanic about the hero?


      nah, just run around and smack things


        Mask of madness. Just time it when you gonna use the active.

        Battlefury's interaction w/ you first skill too is good for flash farming unsafe area with lots of creeps

        Riguma Borusu

          Super secret mechanic:

          1) Buy quelling blade
          2) Jump onto a tree
          3) Cut the tree you're standing on
          4) Pretend you haven't fucked up
          5) Blame your team

          Bu yorum düzenlendi


            that is some super solid advice !! Going to try that in my game.

            I know most peopel play him as a roamer, but why not SB instead? what roll does he occupy now? can be run as an offlaner?


              Pick mid, get boots oov, then phase
              Kill the enemy mid over and over
              I skip ulti at 6, go 3-0-3-0 then max q and jingu, then take ulti
              Idk if legit but it's fun
              Go Aquila echo sb and Deso


                I've never (not once) played MK, but I've seen too many allies fail with the hero to know what not to do with that hero.

                1. Don't go pos 4 with MK. It sucks. If you want to roam pick SB or Riki. Even WK with boots is better.
                2. HC MK can be really strong because MK can 1v1 the offlaner (doesn't need much babysitting like Spec), especially if the offlaner is melee. That creates a lot of space for your 4 and 5 to harass mid and even run a aggressive trilane.
                3. MK mid can work (specially against a melee mid like ember), but it fails most of the time against commonly used mid heroes like necro, viper, sf, tinker etc.


                  there r 2 mids that rekt mk the hardest, tinker, and viper
                  im pretty sure against sf if u get boots oov fast, deny hard, and then keep harassing him u can just win lvl 2, and get ahead in levels so he cant kill u at lvl 3
                  even if u dont kill the sf, just zoning him is enough


                    pick mk have good early feed on mid lose late eZ


                      Actually i think MK is better Riki if u can abuse the mischief ability(courier form)