General Discussion

General Discussionlooking for 5/6/7k team to destroy us or play 5v5 against at sea server

looking for 5/6/7k team to destroy us or play 5v5 against at sea server in General Discussion

    soo,like the title says i'm looking for people that wants to play in a lobby so we can get utterly destroyed and to prove that we are not the greatest or you are just bored/want to have fun/to show you are better than/watever

    since my friends are usually online everyday but they don't have specific time when they will online,we will do it on a way that i will pm when i saw you on a party with five people and ask you if you want/can to do it right now or you can ask me too if you saw me on a party of a five

    my add friend number on dota : 164148112
    my stim profile for adding :

    tank you for reading

    tip 1: you can also put your friend number or profile here,i will add you when i'm free

    tip 2: it's possible there will be no matches at all in a week or two since we're very inconsistent,thank you for still adding though

    ps: plz no bash me,if you people good i wil gib mine chara screenshot of a very gud combat anime mmo game

    pss: the title was created by evil me,me very good person so me accept 1k/2k/3k/4k/8k/9k/1billionk friend requests too. just no 2 digit

    psss: err,well actually 1 digit or 2 digit is ok also

    tl;dr: looking for a 5v5 with some kinds of humans,exact time not known so we just be friends with each other and if someday we saw one of us in a party of five,we ask if we can play 5v5 together


      do u know what scrims are sir


        ^(is too short (minimum is 6 characters))

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          i'm kind of new to these things,so dunno what are scrims are (my english are pretty bad too)
          google says this though
          strong, coarse fabric, chiefly used for heavy-duty lining or upholstery.

          (in a theater) a piece of gauze cloth that appears opaque until lit from behind, used as a screen or backdrop.

          i guess nobody's interested,damit

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