General Discussion

General DiscussionMuted lol

Muted lol in General Discussion
-DI- TheDrengr

    So the mods muted my "TheDrengr" acc for geckolimus post.....

    I think they muted gecko too....

    As far as I understand I did not any way violate their terms from that account so I can easily take this to elo entertainments upper management...


      I know why they muted you, everyone including the staff got tired of your

      ''Regards Gecko''


      At the end of every single post you made.

      -DI- TheDrengr

        I am not gecko limus, that is a different person, and I never put regards gecko at the end of my post


          dont lie to us gecko!


            hahahahhahah well deserved

            stop advertising and talking about ur garbage here thanks

            me, government hooker



                link your account and i can tell you why it was muted


                  @Skim Is there any chance this account gets unmuted ? i've been muted for posting that i sell my account,but i didnt know that its forbbidden to post here.


                    Probably not anytime soon.
                    There is no "i didn't know" here, because it is one of the main points in our Code of Conduct, which you agreed to when posting here.


                      I didnt read it and i didnt know what is dotabuff,was just starting with dotabuff and dota 2.Its like 3-4 months already.


                        ^Thats why reading is important

                        -DI- TheDrengr


                          I already messaged your support staff and recieved a reply. Telling me I was muted for talking about the fact that my business will be success via facebook advertising is not promoting the business in anyway so thats BS.

                          Furthermore after I do finish successful Facebook And Youtube Campagins, the next place to spend my adveritising budget would be dotabuff through your main page ads, and my ads would convert alot better than the stupid tooth paste ads your running, which means more revenue for both our companies. This is what is called a mutually beneficial business relationship, but why should I trust a business that mutes my personal accs for invalid reasons while allowing kids to post pics of old women performing fellatio in other threads. There are viable other platforms to advertise on it. I am sure your advertising team, or manager is great though, but this is the reason why I should just eventually contact one of the co-founders, I believe Sabina is one?

                          -DI- TheDrengr

                            oh wait, lawliepop is your co-founder LOL yeah this is over, I will not be spending advertising budget on this site after her comments regarding my business.


                              ^wow u rlly got em
                              How will dotabuff survive without the generous millions ur ads wud give them
                              What a shame

                              In case you weren't aware, people make those comments abt ur business cuz it's true. It rlly does suck

                              -DI- TheDrengr

                                @daddy, industry standard conversion rate is 3%, so far I am converting at 8%. 11% if you dont count dead traffic. yeah it really sucks.....

                                And with those numbers my stuff will perform exceptionally well on facebook and youtube campaigns which would give me a very large budget to move into audience networks like twitch, and dotabuff. But yeah thats not gonna happen now, I will move onto some other audience network.

                                -DI- TheDrengr

                                  I find those comments she made to be very offensive, and Let me be clear, I will completely eclipse this website in the marketplace.


                                    Cookie guides ftw OMEGALUL
                                    No one fucking knows ur profits or whatever
                                    We r telling u that ur product is bad


                                      I find those comments she made to be very offensive

                                      Aawwww did she hurt ur feelings?
                                      Need a bandaid for ur boo boo?

                                        Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                        -DI- TheDrengr

                                          Even with running a simple impression based advertising model, They probably aren't even making much in ad revenue. tops would be $200,000 for dotabuff. thats very small and it's because they run terrible ads that don't convert.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Old women performing fellatio.


                                              Even with running a simple impression based advertising model, They probably aren't even making much in ad revenue. tops would be $200,000 for dotabuff. thats very small and it's because they run terrible ads that don't convert.

                                              And this makes your website less shitty how?


                                                Hey, Thanks for your interest and then disinterest in advertising here. I don't appreciate your tendency to talk down to other people, especially those who work on our team. I stand by our staff and our policy against advertising on here. It's also worth noting that you also contacted us asking for threads regarding your business to be removed. Now you want to promote it? Get over yourself. You're not impressing anyone.

                                                And for the record I still can't even tell if you're a huge troll, but I don't care anymore.



                                                    wouldst it be an affirmation of reality to quoth "oh most mentally challenged of trolls, oh drengr, thou hath been roasted," in the description of events pertaining to the most savage of commentary given to us by the ever so gracious lady, who hath called herself "lawliepop"?


                                                      regards gecko

                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                        he's serious tho



                                                          get rekted son



                                                            why would he request for his own threads to be removed


                                                              I can only vaguely recall, but anybody remember the tree in front of the window?


                                                                Smart guy to try and monetise cuki's following in Dota buff and his intellectual property. But piss poor Execution in the fucking PR department. And you've drawn so much flak for it and may even have made a lot of ppl lose respect for cuki and his serious guide.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  cuz people posted his pictures and photos of his house. Too embarassing for a multi national company owner to have that on the internet


                                                                    How do I know if I am muted?



                                                                      I was only suggesting I am willing to pay for a guide which include Jugg analysis. Is that a crime?


                                                                      Declaration of interest:

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        How do I know if I am muted?

                                                                        I was only suggesting I am willing to pay for a guide which include Jugg analysis. Is that a crime?
                                                                        Declaration of interest:

                                                                        Can someone ban this fucking kid?


                                                                          I wonder why would Drengr want to explain his business model to a bunch of toxic kids such as the one above when you know darn well all they will do is to try to put you down.

                                                                          Let's see if the mods will ban me now.


                                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                explaining your business model is an insult to a human brain, so mute well deserved.


                                                                                  What business model? All I see is a guy who take a guide to a site, design it like a 12 years old, advertise it like a 12 years old, and brags about it having opportunity to earn him 5 digit although it's extremely obvious what's gonna happen


                                                                                    Need blunt to post the window tree pic


                                                                                      I think op is like fat ladies on restaurantt saying "im calling the manager"




                                                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                                                          MOD ABUSE




                                                                                              I think op is like fat ladies on restaurantt saying "im calling the manager"

                                                                                              LMAO HAHAAA