General Discussion

General DiscussionWK right now?

WK right now? in General Discussion

    what position should he be in, build (etc.).


      Everyone plays him jungle but you should just safelane



        Story Time

          i went offlane with WK, it was ok :) we won, even though i could get only armlet and blink, but that is sometimes enough for initiation, and then WK offlane is basically initation role


            i picked him last game, since we got too many carries i went for the shit build. it worked fine but only because enemies are retarded


              I've seen pos 4 WK twice this week. It's not bad. He has 300 movespeed so enough mobility early with windlace (or boots). Plus he has a stun that also slows, which can help with smoke ganks mid.

              For this build to work, you'd max stun and aura and go team items (like pipe greaves).

              I'd get sceptre though for the luls.

              I'll try it later tonight. GL team.

              white boy summer

                if we're talking about pro games and not fucking shitstain pubs, then i would say 4. you can bait your enemy by picking him, they pick pl/am, you pick sven/troll EZ. he doesnt offer anything played on pos 1 cause he's just a worse sven with an ulti that makes you die alone (since ur teammates have been wiped before u respawn)

                Riguma Borusu

                  A melee safelane carry with sustain that has kill potential with rotations but is pretty self-sufficient in most cases.

                  Still, you don't want to pick him against too many slows, stuns and mana burn, having a safelane carry counterpick himself like this is a recipe for disaster. He'll need some setup in the early game to get kills because while he has good damage output he's very easy to kite, if you have more stuns and slows than the enemy team, you're likely to be in a very good position with WK. Once he gets his blink, though, he's gonna do pretty well on his own as well.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Wraith Blast is a really nice spell


                      Havent played WK in a while and picked him on Friday and owned the Map, I died a few times but with WK you don't really die the first time so i just came back and 1shot the Pugna. At first I thought he was invis until I saw his respawn countdown.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Wait til enemy picks a carry then go safe lane wk and the dumbasses will pick am to counter and one of the carries will have to offlane. Offlane am is a free win. Make sure to ban nyx. He's a worse counter than invoked or am.


                          thing with am against wk is that there is no point in burning wk's mana if he just fucking manfights u to death

                          also wk sort of enables his supports to roam free cuz he doesnt need help in lane past the early levels
                          similar to lifestealer in this regard
                          sven requires much more farm than wk, tho he gets the farm faster
                          i dont even think that pos 4 wk is that bad tho, maybe smth like windlace + oov + tango or smth

                          lifesteal isnt as good as armor for ur team, but 30% lifesteal is not a joke at least for wk himself
                          ive been thinking abt trying a meme wk build with full lifesteal
                          maybe smth like armlet blight vlads deso ac satanic