General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout MMR

About MMR in General Discussion
Friendly player

    Hey, could someone review my gameplay and tell do i play good, what i need to improve and maybe what my MMR could be? I would appreciate it! This is the game id "3350249410" I'm the spirit breaker guy. Thanks for your time!


      ur mmr will be the same as ur calibration games' average atm
      the mmr u have isw way below average so i wouldnt say u play good

      Friendly player

        That's nice to hear, but like in which bracket i am more likely? Like 1K-2K, 2K-3K, etc.


          1K match making points


            you're already in ranked, what on earth are you asking about

            you can see the average mmr when you start a game

            Friendly player

              Its cause i'm 700mmr or smth but i feel like i have to be at higher mmr.


                that's where you belong, live with it.

                if you were a higher mmr player you would've started at higher mmr, simple as that.

                my calibration started at 5.2k first match, then it dropped to 4.4k after first game because there was a glitch where if your mmr is over the limit it'll drop you no matter what you do. limit was was 4999 back then, now it's 3500

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  U calibrated 1k cuki


                    on this account... not 3 years ago on my main

                    Friendly player

                      cookie you probably don't even know anything about the first rank (the one you get after 10 ranked games). I'm sure i deserve bigger MMR, just like in CSGO. I started off gold nova 2 later i got to master guardian 2, but i barely improved all that time.


                        XD i've done calibration experiments where i calibrated accounts with a first game mmr of 1-3k into 4-5k

                        if someone knows about calibration it's me.

                        if you were to simply deserve a higher ranking you would've shit-stomped those 700 mmr games and the game would've given you +500 mmr per calibration game.

                        as it clearly seems that you didn't, aka you suck deeeks at this game.

                        truth hurts, doesn't it?

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          yeah, exactly fu nob


                            Lmao I'm better than someone at dota FeelsGoodMan

                            Friendly player

                              cookie just stop posting if you don't know what to post. I'm asking for my certain thing, i don't care about you dude.


                                All i can say is keep trying i am stuck in 100-200mmr right now my plan is to pick one hero and be good with him i am gonna pick SB or axe and try to be really good with them

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  He is answering ur question
                                  If ur too braindead to believe or accept that then it's not cookies fault


                                    did i hit the feels?

                                    would you like a bottle of milk?

                                    Friendly player

                                      "my calibration started at 5.2k first match, then it dropped to 4.4k after first game because there was a glitch where if your mmr is over the limit it'll drop you no matter what you do. limit was was 4999 back then, now it's 3500" Did someone ask that? Don't feel like your some kind of 9k pro dude, you have the same rights like everyone else here.

                                      Friendly player

                                        Btw you won't surprise me with some old phrases that u are using. Its 2017 dude, realize that, stop staring at ur monitor 24/7 get a life.


                                          The point is that if u were higher level ur match avg wud be higher, but it isn't higher so ur level isn't higher either
                                          Pretty fucking simple


                                            you asked about the calibration, i explained it to you.

                                            lowest you can get is 1, highest you can get is 3500(4999 int ranked)

                                            first match is the same as your unranked mmr, in your case 0.7k, in my case 5k.

                                            match 2-10 adjusts it depending on your performance.

                                            you can get up to +-500 mmr per calibration match depending on how good/bad you perform.

                                            as you clearly performed horrendously in almost all your calibration matches, you clearly deserve 700 mmr.

                                            you can deny it all you want, but the truth is objective and it is there.


                                              Lmao Davis ur such a fucking loser, ask a question, doesn't get the answer he likes so tries to pathetically roast the answerer. SeemsGood

                                              Raj Limbasia

                                                LOL Davis you're such a fucking loser, ask a question, doesn't get the answer he likes so tried to pathetically roast the answerer. SEEMSGOOD

                                                Friendly player

                                                  finally cookie dude ty for answering.


                                                    Amazing speciment


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