General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar lineups

Huskar lineups in General Discussion

    So lately im spamming cm in Solo que. Im almost 5k mmr so im always cpt and go for huskar drow Oracle lich Viper lineup. You will win 95% of Your games as No 4k Player has any idea how to counter this.


      deceptive advertising, i don't see 95% wr, i see 52%


        What Do you mean Sir? I won 9 of 10 huskar games this year.


          9/10 isn't 95%
          Also sample size


            The one i lost was Party mmr.


              keep doing this for 20 more games and report your stats



                Check this guy out if you want Sample size. I just copyed his lineup. He plays like any other 4k pleb i won against his mid multiple times already when huskar is banned. He has 80% wr by just outpicking peoples. Absoluty 0 skill.
                But hes 6k.


                  So the idea is to win every lane and end game in 25 mins. ...TECHIES


                    the fact that he can outpick is a skill by itself


                      Not if you pick the Same 3 heros every game and the 4th is always dazzle Oracle and 5th doesnt even matter cuz u would win even in 4v5.


                        same story as that 1 lycan guy with the most retarded build ever claiming that it's perfect and getting 1# post on reddit

                        he played basically all free win games because he dropped 1k mmr, he starts spamming him and then instantly losing and then stops playing forever

                        10 games sample size is basically nothing, go spam it then tell us.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          No Dazzle why?!?!?! They were made for each other even the lore hinted so


                            Next week i have holidays for 2 weeks. Im aiming for 5.5k. Ill Show you.

                            Potato Marshal

                              I think you just got lucky in that one Huskar match against opponents that weren't really familiar with their heroes. You were up against a TA that went phase and a Luna that tried to rush aghs.

                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                yes this is the guy who make a post about his medusa game where he draft retarded hero


                                  ^you are trash Sir.