General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich are the heroes that are most situationally powerful?

Which are the heroes that are most situationally powerful? in General Discussion

    For example, Ember against against a illusion/meepo lineup or an unkillable huskar against a team with mediocre physical damage.


      Pl fits that

      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

        brood maybe


          AM lul


            Abed meepo vs ember

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              Mk against Viper


                Ember against meepo is awful since net makes ember unable to remnant back, and it's not even that it's the fact that meepo can get hex early, just when ember gets his battlefury. 20 minutes your ember have travels battlefury and meepo has treads dlance blink hex aegis. Just saying so people dont pick ember into meepo.


                  embers ok against meepo but not great

                  Fee Too Pee



                      Invoker xD, situationally powerful on low mmr bracket(<5k)

                      зачем я начал поиск

                        Broodmother/Meepo lastpick into enemy with no AOE at all and squishy heroes.

                        Autowin from minute 0, literally nothing the enemy can do.

                        I mean, putting something like a Venge-AA-Drow trilane against Brood is like giving you a free triple kill at level 3-4.

                        Add something like Huskar mid and some complete garbage like offlane Bounty Hunter and enemy could literally stay in base and type GG from minute zero, because it's over.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        BSJ. LGD

                          kys fgt


                            If the last pick huskar makes you go, oh fuck. You know you it's check mate