General Discussion

General DiscussionDedicated Roaming in Low 4k / High 3k

Dedicated Roaming in Low 4k / High 3k in General Discussion

    So 3 weeks ago I was 4300 MMR. I got there by spamming Invoker blah blah, that's not important. In 4300 I noticed everyone instapicks MID and safelane so I started playing position 4 every game. MK, Pudge, Tuskar, Kunkka, etc. I didn't realize until today how fast I spiraled down in MMR (from 4300 to 3588). Is it the Heroes I'm picking? Is Roaming bad if I'm Solo Queuing? Or is it just bad play on my part / bad luck? Pretty frustrating.


      Uwotm8 the only thing that kept me up here when I was on a slump was my roaming
      You just have to be aware of the map and know kill potentials

      basement :)

        I thought the highest mmr always gets middle. 2nd highest is position 1. That is how it works in Australia. Anyway, it is because you never supported at a 4k level before. Your supporting skills are 3k, so you drop.


          the guys who took your mid are shit thats all :^)


            Anything below 5k is shit :^)


              Its ok dude, low 4k is "still" 3k xD


                roaming is good, you just suck at roaming


                  you just had bad luck like me, i recently doubled down and lost the match wherein the enemy ancient has 5hp


                    wise man said that if u spam x hero and reach y mmr and trying to play z hero your mmr sure will decreased.
                    but it doesnt matter after you reach y mmr you still can reach that mmr with x hero.
                    the most important is not mmr my mate. its how u got skill and know better dota

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      That's your bad roaming skills. I got nearly 1200 points on a previous account spaming only Earth Spirit with 67% win rate.


                        Then roaming isnt for you, how about switching to pos 5 or if you insist on pos 4, spam sb

                        Mlada i Luda

                          how can you switch to roam from invoker spammer and not suck at it , is inevitable .


                            roaming is the easiest way to win solo queue. no one can mess up your lane, you dont need farm, and you can impact all lanes, make your allies farm better and harass all enemies. if you cant increase mmr by roaming then you dont do it properly

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              You suck at roam,try space cow witg dagon


                                space cow roaming is OP. might not work in intl. ranked if your 1200 mmr above avg randomly, but its super ez

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Why do you keep buying hurricane pike so much? Even on melee heroes like MK and Tusk?

                                  Story Time

                                    ROAMING CHANGED LAST PATCHES! (how many time i have to write that roaming a la 7.01 patch is dead, and now it is double support rotation roaming, not a dedicated roaming like before)

                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                        You are obviously not at that level for that role


                                          @Story Time +++

                                          Don't change your role just because it seems cool and everyone is playing it in that specific period if it doesn't match your play style. Visage is pretty popular now, I could spam him in 4k, too bad I'd end up feeding 14k gold from familiars or do stupid shit like that 'cause my skill level with heroes that have units is not 4k, I hardly ever play them. If you're good at greedy cores then pick them, if someone already marked mid then go for safelane carries. I understand 80% of people want those roles, but I don't know, just be quick, mark the lane and pick your hero. You'll get probably countered but if you're actually better than average in that role you'll be able to outplay even your counters.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Yeah just go space cow dude, space cow is in the "stompers tier" while pudge and the others you mentioned are not even in winners' tier