General Discussion

General Discussion10 Reasons 4K games are lost

10 Reasons 4K games are lost in General Discussion

    I see a pattern. I guess some of these apply to lower brackets as well.

    1) Winning team fight, then overextending HG and getting wiped. Not having buyback so losing rax in the process.
    2) Not buying smoke and ganking before HG. Just walking up to HG and getting pooped on.
    3) Not knowing when to rosh. Teammates circle jerk in jungle.
    4) Not buying detection. Buying gem then dying solo.
    5) Carry not buying BKB. Getting perma disabled and blown away by AOE.
    6) Supports sniffing HC's butt for 10 mins and not rotating, even though enemy offlaner is 0-0 and farming.
    7) Supports justifying going 2-18 because "I'm buying wards".
    8) The Jungler on the team.
    9) Getting outdrafted (gg before game even started). Not knowing counters/not knowing how to more than 3 comfort heroes).
    10) The "GG it's over" guy who gives up way too early and kills morale.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      mm ok)


        4k and below?
        So 90% of dota matches, amarite?


          Well, 4Ks are good at certain things. Like they do last hit reasonably well, and have a good grasp on basics including warding/counter warding, tping, etc, which you wouldn't expect in say 2k.


            Like they do last hit reasonably well, and have a good grasp on basics including warding/counter warding, tping, etc, which you wouldn't expect in say 2k.



              3k doto best doto!


                i lose/win most of my 3k games because exploiting of this.

                like literally the enemy is ahead and snowballing, go up my hg, get blown up, without buyback, lose rax. try again, get blown up, mass buyback, go up my high ground again, get blown up. like seriously this shit is a bit too easy sometimes.


                  but you are 3k not 4k, why you speak about 4k games?


                    I win games just by roaming and buying smokes/placing wards in enemy jungle. EVERY game we catch at least 2 people farming in their jungle. the concept of dusts is now unheard of at 3k

                    I literally plays pos 5 every game, even as offlaner im the one with the most purchased dust/wards. vision wins you games, for 3k its like this : fog = there cant possily be anything
                    an axe blink gets forgotten of every 2 minutes and just gets kill after kill after kill by blinking from fog


                      You forgot to mention "slow reflexes"


                        So true, the games I've lost I lost them 'cause of retarded shit done by my cores mostly. QOP pick into Kunkka+Invoker, I mean ok maybe you're confident with the hero and you know how to deal with x-marks... Nah. I had to tell this retard to get eul's, not to mention he kept blinking into 3-4 enemies and feed, getting x-marked all the time and bullshit like that. Another game a SF afk farming with BoT thinking he could outcarry an Alche, Voker and Morph. Only when he realized he of course couldn't carry for shit at min 40 he started spamming >push! like a fucking idiot. In the same game a Troll with no bkb nor satanic 'till minute 50 vs the above mentioned Voker, Alche, e-blade Morph, Pudge and Visage. "Please don't pick that AM trash, you'll be getting ganked a lot and I can't grant you vision and sentries everywhere", doesn't give a fuck and picks that shitstain vs a WR, Necro and Mirana running a trilane, with my mid Tinker losing the lane to a SF. I DON'T EVEN KNOW. Trash itemization and total lack of game sense are the major flaws of people in that bracket from my experience. I was so excited I finally got to 4k after almost one year of playing senseless normal games in 3k, was expecting much more but I was only left with this face "ò.o WTF ARE YOU ALL DOING". They're mechanically better overall and this is coming from someone who's unbelievably bad at farming, but man are they braindead. And stubborn af, you can explain to them a hundred times why they should do something, you can even draw it, they just won't listen.
                        And I'm guilty of doing the n.1 thing sometimes and the n.10, less than before but I'm still more Adolf than Gandhi.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          But this sounds like mistAkes everyone makes..

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            Then always play 5v5 as a party and coach your entire team. Smh

                            basement :)

                              You should add supports think they need farm and items for every support.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Every lost game, regardless of mmr, is usually due to these reasons no?


                                  W0w a 3k mmr smurf figured out the entire 4k bracket legit af


                                    the 2 biggest problems is that they can't deal with snowball at all AND that they don't push the lanes before doing shit.


                                      There is an opposite side of 4: not ever buying gem against multiple invis heroes. There is always a retard saying why do we need a gem when we have sentry and dust, then proceed to not using it fights.


                                        Of all the possible reasons, jungler and a bad draft gives the highest chance of losing. By picking a jungler, you deny your offlaner's combavk potential, increase the of chance of your mid getting ganked, and slows down your carry's farm.


                                          what triggers me the most is jungler blaming team for losing.

                                          (muted) delulu is the solulu

                                            agreed. I'm the offlaner but I feel like I'm pos 4/5 because the support has a bad understanding of what he/she is supposed to do and farms midas 🙄 and being desperate I have to ward/roam

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              8) The Jungler on the team.

                                              Seem legit,analysis by a 3K that can't climb because bad at everything.



                                                Pretty sure he's talking about afk junglers with 0 impact, not pro jungler players like lice-tea who makes god-like rotations and saves the game, right?