General Discussion

General DiscussionGain MMR as Support

Gain MMR as Support in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    Low MMR supports are too worried about perfecting stacking and pulling when in reality any mediocre support can completely zone out if not outright kill the enemy offlaner in sub-3k games. Just plop a lane ward in front of their tower, wrap around from behind through the trees, constantly attack move at a safe distance to not aggro the creep wave, and boom! Lane won.


      It's possible to improve as support, i calibrate with 1,2k mmr and now i'm 3,2k.
      I already played in all positions, but i most likely a pos 4~5 player.
      If you want to know how carry the game as support i can't help you, but if you want know how to win the game for your team as support all i can say is to destroy the enemy game.
      As @Magma09 said, you must control the tempo of the game and delay the enemy powerspikes.
      I don't speak english very well, but if you want to play some games with me and see if i can teach you something my id is 153120477