General Discussion

General DiscussionLMAO.

LMAO. in General Discussion

    yes is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


      Ure a moron


        I knew it


          I have a theory. U skipped playing against the cancers of 2ks. You never learned how to lane against cancer dual lanes and take advantage of the tons of stupid shit they do.

          3ks are more likely going to set you up with favourable lanes. You will hve lane supports who are not completely retarded. Offlaners won't try to contest u too much unless u are a complete bafoon. So u just farm (which u are good at) while 3ks team know how to play as a unit more making space or know not to take too disadvantAgeous fights when grouped as 4. While 2ks will just feed endlessly with such a disadvantage.

          Your own teammates will also contest you in your own lane. Playing am in 2k requires special patience

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            Tldr you cannot try to get 80cs and farm efficiently in 2k. U have to outlane those retards and kick them out.

            Story Time

              why compare 2k and 3k when it is basically both are drunken 4k shit?


                ^ im offended. Get 5k first before u talk. you are just a drunk 5k

                Story Time

                  ^i mean that 2k=3k<4k, not more or less


                    Tbh I'm actually wondering now how did I get like 12 winstreak first picking AM back then

                    Story Time

                      ^sounds like a miracle (not Miracle)


                        🌚I'll still spam AM idc mmr🌚


                          Maybe just a bad day. Saturday's are always bad days for grinding xd

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Friday feels worse than saturday tho


                              yeah weekend is the best day to throw. your team literally braindead monkey who only know how to use skill and slow farm if use your 100%skill its not worth the time

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