General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to split push with Nature's Prrophet

How to split push with Nature's Prrophet in General Discussion

    I understand the general premise with teleporting to a lane and pushing out with treants, but I don't want to just carelessly push out all lanes and steal my carry's farm and stuff. Any good tips for the specifics?


      Press w, click on creeps get out
      THE END

      lebron james jr

        Get deso and good attack speed and u can rat t2s and maybe t3s and ofc rax

        Bu yorum düzenlendi


            First you split from ur team using teleport. Then you push towers/racks/ancient watver.
            Split push NP.

            how you doing?

              also carry tp early mid game while ratting

              GRANT MACDONALD

                Be sure to feed 16 treants into the enemy sven like every NP i play with


                  Be sure to get dank courier snipes


                    if you can do it, just do it

                    mr. rabbit

                      by not buybacking then tping in front of a god strengthened 700 gpm sven


                        You look at the lane where theres an enemy sandking and u immediately send all possible treants there


                          While also helping him cleave through the poor LS

                          basement :)

                            I called Bulldog washed up and outdated. He looked over in chat just at that exact moment and permanently banned me. Should I be honored or sad?


                              both tbh


                                tp lane buy tp tp then tp then tp tp tp tp tp tp tp tp tp tp repeat

                                rain markcawat

                                  destroy enemy ancient


                                    beyond 40 mins it's okay to push lanes because by then your HC should be able to farm ancients.

                                    between 10-40 mins you should push primarily when enemy team is pushing as 5 and your team is sitting HG (maybe waiting for someone to revive or just kiting and buying time).

                                    have some kind of escape mechanism when solo pushing tower (shadow blade). it sucks to push solo then suddenly a slark pops out of nowhere and takes a shit on you.


                                      step 1. tp to an undefended side lane
                                      step 2. right click
                                      step 3. watch the enemy ancient explode


                                        Blink is situationally good