General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom high to normal skill

From high to normal skill in General Discussion

    Hello guys
    After 5-6 matches being high skill i down to low skill bracket its coz of being support on last game?
    Plz tell me what is that problem or im low skill player ?even i played 2k matches my main account have low mmr coz i spammed ranked when i was total noob but after playing so many matches i learnt mechanics of dota (not much tho) . (sorry for poor english :x)


      Means you dropped below 3k mmr after losing a few games.

      You hidden mmr dropped below 3k that is.


        so if i win matches i get back to high any chance?


          Yes, you can.

          Looks like from your match log that if you win 2-3 more without losing you will get above 3k.


            ty man

            TheDoctor (HTPG)

              not to say by winning some matches
              its better to be better at the game overall itself
              from there
              you'll see yourself playing with higher mmr players in due time

              what im saying is
              get better = more winning = higher mmr

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                i back to normal skill after supp on 1 match means i dont ks played well also sups well after that match.
                so kda is important ?i sup with cm that cant heal much only urn but i disable well still back to normal
                so i play only carry heros until i calibrate?


                  any idea to get sup well i play almost all heros except invo (playwell not much )earth spirit,chen.can i increase hidden mmr with just sup?
                  or i can carry? u think i can carry well at 4k?this my first account that low mmr account