General Discussion

General Discussioninvesting in bitcoin?

investing in bitcoin? in General Discussion

    thoughts? =]


      If you have side money, why not, it could turn into a very profitable venture one day. It's not really certain right now though, don't get fooled by the advertisers saying it's the next big thing. Maybe, maybe not, I think if u have side money laying around then use it, money that stays in a savings is unhappy money, invest and grow it.

      On a side note, real estate is a GREAT place for investing, but to have a good income you gotta bring in 50-100k.


        I invested a few years back and considered it a very risky investment - it'd either be huge in a way I couldn't foresee at the time, or I'd probably lose all of my money. It's obviously gone up a lot since then, which has been nice. I'm holding the investment and still fundamentally feel the same way - it's incredibly risky and could be worth nothing in the end.


          i invested back in 2011. if u invest now its pretty much bubble.


            I'm sure everyone agrees that within a few years we wont have cash anymore.

            bitcoin might not become the worlds currency, but it certainly will have a bigger influence then

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              few years we wont have cash anymore

              yes we will? rofl


                Nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a fugazi is?

                Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. it doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.

                Obligatory quote being made, i feel there's a general consensus in tech people that bitcoin is becoming mainstream and there's room for it's market cap to hit 10x or even 100x it's current value.

                You just have to consider the risks (new cryptocoins, government regulation, escaling issues etc etc.) and invest an amount ure comfortable losing. Or just YOLO and go all-in if u dont respect money.

                Personally i've invested a small amount in 3 cryptos mostly for the sweat and for the lols.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  If you invest few years back it would be good,but for now from what I see maidsafe coin is better

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Reason will be too complicated for me to explain here,go do some research yourself

                    Dire Wolf

                      I think it's a bubble now, it went up a ton in the past few years. Why not just a regular us index fund? Some of my mutual funds are up 20% ytd.


                        Go for conservative gold or estate, it's safer I guess


                          wait for it to split (if it does), then make your investment


                            Should have done 7 years ago.


                              What ever you do dont buy things for the coins things that are illegal. (thats what bigconis are used for).

                              Imagine this senario. You buy X amounf of something for cheap.
                              X is not allowed and illiegal.
                              You get busted.
                              The money amount or value of Bitcoin Goes up 100x.
                              You might then stand there with say 1 joint and get 10 years jail.


                                OH right you are sir, Jolly good.


                                  Thank you kindly sir, you are also right. mostly.

                                  Yung Beethoven

                                    OP: my question is, if there is ever going to be a week where you dont change your name?


                                      the whole market is a huge self sustaining bubble which will blow up at certain point, but untill then its worth to invest
                                      the currecny which has no actual real value behind it is quite a weird economic phenomena but we ve seen similar stuff before on the bonds market and it aint gonna end well imho

                                      at this point id say its a bit too late to invest
                                      also for gods sake dont start mining cryp xd

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Im suprised That people on this forum Know investment


                                          Its not investing. Its speculating.


                                            Why not just a regular us index fund? Some of my mutual funds are up 20% ytd.

                                            because i dont want to "really" invest my money, im more interested in buy and hold because i currently don't have a considerable amount of money (500-1000€ range), and bitcoin seems promising unless govts step in


                                              ofc i want to wait for as long as possible because buying bitcoin right now is too expensive


                                                bitcoin is not something you buy and hold i dont think. its too volatile

                                                Story Time

                                                  how come you even have money, people? :D


                                                    all amateur investors should just buy passive funds like ETFs and u just hold them as investments. maybe wait for a recession to hit when prices are low to buy those.


                                                      there's no point in guessing about a currency u know absolutely nothing about. at this point its too risky.


                                                        I bought dark artistry cape for 60 euro now it's 130 get on my level


                                                          euro? 130 steam points u mean


                                                            7k investor


                                                              i got sf arcana for panda bear on druid
                                                              get on my level

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                thats just scamming arin


                                                                  lul wut. i got 4 arcana from 1 arcana
                                                                  BETTING >>>> INVESTMENT


                                                                    nah the guy knew how valuable those two are but he told me that he really wants to play lone druid and that he got that arcana gifted from some other guy so we traded it

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      If you just want to buy and hold an index or mutual fund is perfect. I don't think you understand buy and hold.


                                                                        no i mean i want to buy and hold bitcoins, an index or mutual fund gives too low return on 500-1000€ i guess, but i didn't look too much into it

                                                                        < blank >

                                                                          spunki is not even 18 and has no money and he is thinking about investing into bitcoins